***** BREAKING VIDEO ***** WORST CAMPAIGN LAUNCH EVER: RINO Tupola Makes It Clear She Wants NOTHING To Do With Her New Conservative Running Mate - 8/15/18

Closet Democrat Politician and Party Hack Gene Ward Attacks HIRA for Exposing GOP Election Fraud by Tupola and Ostrov - 8/6/18

OFF THE BALLOT: HIRA declares victory against election fraud in the case of Andria Tupola's handpicked illegal noncitizen candidate - 8/6/18

WORLD EXCLUSIVE: CORRUPTION ALERT at Hawaii GOP, Tupola Campaign, and Tupola's State Capitol Office - 7/30/18

BREAKING: Explosive Coup At Imploding Hawaii GOP - Only Weeks Before the Election - 7/26/18

RINO ALERT: Federal Judge Rick Clifton Loves Gun Control, Hates Trump's Travel Ban, and Identifies with the RINO-Controlled Hawaii GOP - 7/24/18

Hawaii GOP in Trouble: The Many Broken Promises of Shirlene Ostrov - 6/18/18

BREAKING: RINO and Closet Democrat Party Leaders at Hawaii GOP DELIBERATELY Foul Up Republican Candidates in 2018 by Failing to Start Collecting Voter ID Data - 6/8/18

BREAKING: A SCARY WARNING from Jack James to Hawaii GOP Donors and Candidates - 6/6/18

SCARY RINO-POCALYPSE 2018 VIDEO: HIRA'S Exclusive "Interview" with Hawaii GOP Boss Aaron Wilson . . . - 6/4/18

INSIDE JOB: RINO Hatred of Hawaii Conservatives Puts HRP In Bed with Tupola - 5/22/18

SAVING 2018: HIRA's Ryan Urges the Hawaii GOP to State Chair Ostrov Before It's Too Late - 5/20/18

GOP State Convention 2018: A Manipulated Extravaganza of Political Nonsense - 5/17/18

Trouble at HI GOP: Pundits Predict Political Disaster for Local GOP Candidates in 2018 - 5/14/18

PRESS RELEASE + SHOCKING VIDEO: Andria Tupola FAKED Her Own Stalking and Perjures Herself to Obtain Phony TRO - 5/9/18

Hawaii Republican Tupola's 1st Amendment Assault - Silencing HIRA with Fake TROs - 5/1/18

Hawaii Republican Tupola's 1st Amendment Assault - Silencing HIRA with Fake TROs - 4/27/18

RINO Charles Djou Bails on Hawaii GOP - Another One Bites the Dust - 3/19/18

RINOs Help Democrats Ruin Hawaii: Phony Republicans are Destroying the Hawaii GOP - 2/27/18

RESIGN TODAY: RINO GOP Leader Andria Tupola Actively "Brown-Nosing" Democrat Agenda - 10/25/17

Top Hawaii Conservative Re-Elected to Lead National Federation of Republican Assemblies - 10/23/17

RED ALERT: Hawaii GOP Candidate$ can FORGET about 2018, says party - 10/10/17

TURNING LEFT: GOP Leader Tupola Says Homeless Villages are "Sustainable Lifestyle - 9/19/17

EMBRACING SOCIALISM: Handing out "free money". What are Hawaii RINO's thinking? - 9/5/17

WHAT A WASTE: Andria Tupola's Failed GOP Leadership is Disappointing and Embarrassing - 9/1/17

Hawaii's Political War Memorial for GOP Incumbents Since Hellreich Took Over in 2001 - 8/28/17

CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT: Dying Hawaii GOP threatens Conservative HIRA over embarrassing revelations - 8/25/17

URGENT HIRA SURVEY: Take the REAL Poll on Rail and Taxes - 8/23/17

Shocking New FEC Report Exposes Hawaii GOP's 'Red Ink' Financial Disaster - 8/21/17

ONGOING SABOTAGE: Miriam Hellreich Regularly Installs Democrats Into Key Hawaii GOP Positions - 8/18/17

INFILTRATION ALERT: Hawaii GOP Bosses Regularly Help Hawaii Democrats (part 1) - 8/16/17

AMAZING REVELATIONS: Shirlene Ostrov's NEW State Party Budget Explains EVERYTHING - 8/14/17

PARALYZING PARANOIA: What has Shirlene Ostrov Got to Hide?!? - 8/3/17

GETTING WOR$E: Ostrov's Hawaii GOP Dig$ Deeper Hole - According to FEC Revelations - 7/27/17

THE SWAMP GOT DEEPER: Ostrov Supporters Abandoning Hawaii GOP Sinking Ship - 7/25/17

MESSAGE FROM RICK HAMADA: The Ball is Now in GOP Chair Shirlene Ostrov's Court - 7/14/17

VOTE ONLINE TODAY: Say "Yes" to Rick Hamada's Rally Against Rail Taxes - 7/13/17

PURE MALFEASANCE: A Humongous Blown Opportunity for Hawaii Republicans - 7/7/17

LOOKING BLEAK: $$ Reports Reveal Ostrov Off to a VERY Rocky Start - 6/30/17

YOU'RE SCREWED: New Hawaii GOP Leaders Won't Oppose Tax Increases - 6/20/17

IT'S ON: Special Session for Rail Tax is a GO. Let the fleecing get worse. - 6/19/17

GLOBAL BOILING: New GOP Chair Ostrov SLAMS Tupola and her GOP Caucus . . . Accidentally - 6/12/17

THIS WEEK: Highest Ranking Republican In Hawaii Auditions to Join Democrat Party - 6/10/17

HIGHLIGHTS from Today's BIG, BIG Meeting at Hawaii GOP Headquarters - 6/3/17

THIS MORNING AT 10AM: Call and Listen to Hawaii GOP Leadership Meeting - 6/3/17

BREAKING: RINO's Admit to Bankrupting the Hawaii GOP (VIDEO) - 6/2/17

VIDEO: Extracting the Truth About Property Tax Hikes for Rail - 5/31/17

Impostor Infiltrates Hawaii GOP Leadership with Phony Credentials - 5/30/17

BREAKING NEWS: Hawaii GOP Leader wants Democrats to HIKE YOUR TAXE$ NOW - 5/26/17

STAYING VIGILANT: Hawaii Democrats and RINO's are the Clear and Present Danger - 5/23/17

"IS HAWAII NEXT?: Could the Aloha State be Headed for Bankruptcy?" - John Carroll Guest Editorial - 5/15/17

PRESS RELEASE: Flash Report from Today's Hawaii GOP State Convention - 5/13/17

Breaking News: HIRA'S ENDORSEMENT for State GOP Chair . . . - 5/13/17

RINO CIVIL WAR: Andria Tupola Campaign Operatives Determined to Cheat to Victory - 5/8/17

CONGRATULATIONS, HAWAII: Now the real battle begins - 5/4/17

KILLING LINCOLN: 2018 Just Morphed Into Another Political Disaster for Hawaii's GOP - 5/2/17

SECRET EXPULSION: Democrat Infiltrator Kym Pine Ousted from Hawaii GOP - 4/30/17

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT FROM HI-GOP-HQ: 2017 Legislative Session Will Be Ignored - 4/28/17

DAMAGE CONTROL: Andria Tupola Distances Herself from Bob McDermott - 4/27/17

TRUE STORY: Coordinated RINO Smear Attack on County Leaders FAILS - 4/23/17

FAILED COUP D'ETAT: RINO's Go Down In Flames at Hawaii GOP HQ - 4/22/17

HIRA WAS RIGHT: RINO Emperor Fritz Rohlfing Overturns County GOP Election Results - 4/21/17

SHOCKER: Island Elephants Are Actually Running with the Donkeys - 4/19/17

APOCALYPSE NOW: Hawaii GOP Treasurer Warns That Party is Financially Imploding at High Speed; Recommends Emergency Measures - 4/15/17

BREAKING: HIRA's National Director Willes Lee Elected to NRA Board - 4/13/17

EXCLUSIVE NEWS FLASH: Bob McDermott Tells HIRA First - He's Running for Governor - 4/12/17

RINO ALERT VIDEO: Meet Hawaii's Own Big-Spendin', Tax-Lovin' RINO Bob - 4/12/17

VIDEO: New Sheriff in Town - Honolulu County GOP Chair Brett Kulbis is on a Mission - 4/5/17

HIRA's Official 2017 QUESTIONNAIRE for State GOP Chair Candidates (19 Questions) - 4/3/17

VIDEO: Meet GOP Leader Brett Kulbis - Hawaii's Newest County Chairman - 3/29/17

URGENT: SECRET DOCUMENTS from Boyd Ready's secret files (and more) - 3/27/17

BOYD READY IN TROUBLE: Inner Circle GOP Corruptnik in Local Party Scandal - 3/26/17

Fukumoto Used State Employees/Resources to Promote Her Jump to Democrat - 3/22/17

HIRA Statement on Beth Fukumoto Jumping Ship - 3/22/17

HIRA Denounces Democrat Doug Chin's Phony Cries of "Racism" - 3/16/17

HIRA Calls on Governor Ige to Fire Attorney General Doug Chin - 3/12/17

WARNING: RINO Party Leaders are Silent Partners of the Democrat Rail Cartel - 3/10/17

INSIDE JOB: Closet Democrat Beth Fukumoto Continues Mocking Republicans - 3/7/17

BREAKING NEWS: Team Hellreich Dumps Fritz Rohlfing after $100,000 Goes Missing or "Depleted" - 3/6/17

NEW VIDEO: Sam Slom and Fred Hemmings Diagnose "Nonexistent" Hawaii GOP - 2/27/17

Today's Star-Advertiser: "Only real Republicans, not RINOS, can turn Hawaii around" - 2/23/17

On the Sidelines: WHY, WHY, WHY DOESN'T THE HAWAII G.O.P. FIGHT? - 2/21/17

UNILATERAL SURRENDER: How Beth Fukumoto Smothered GOP Policy Aspirations - 2/2/17

GOODBYE BETH FUKUMOTO: You're Fired. The Door is That Way. - 2/1/17

LET THE CHEATING BEGIN: Hawaii RINO'S Cling to Power at All Costs - 2/1/17

CALL TO ACTION: It's Time to FIRE Closet Democrat Beth Fukumoto from GOP Leadership Positions - 1/27/17

DEEP, DEEP TROUBLE: With Frenemies Like Fukumoto, Who Needs Democrats - 1/22/17

Local Newspaper Deceives Readers to Push for Higher Minimum Wage - 1/18/17

THE CONSEQUENCES ARE REAL: Tomorrow, the Chickens Come Home to Roost - 1/17/17

QUID PRO WHOA: Democrat$ Bailout of HI GOP Leads to Official Gag Order by Fritz Rohlfing - 1/12/17

"Making the Case to FIX the Hawaii Republican Party" - Bryan Jeremiah Guest Editorial - 1/10/17

Infiltration Alert: HAWAII GOP SILENCE FOR SALE by Team Hellreich - 1/9/17

"It's Time for a Change" - GOP Candidate Bryan Jeremiah Guest Editorial - 1/2/17

Hawaii Republicans Have Really GREAT News for President Obama - 1/1/17

MAJOR FRAUD ALERT: $63,000 Goes Missing at Hawaii GOP - 12/23/16

RINO ALERT: Christmas Comes Early for Hawaii Democrats - 12/20/16

AGENDA: Circle the Wagons + Stick Heads in Sand + Ignore the Disaster - 12/16/16

Slapped Repeatedly: Lingle/Hellreich Decimation of the Local GOP, Part II - 12/15/16

LINGLE: Another Slap in the Face to Hawaii Republicans from the Local GOP, Part I - 12/12/16

2nd Amendment Advocate Willes K. Lee Seeks NRA Board of Directors Seat - 12/9/16

Top Hawaii GOP Leader Advocates SECESSION from the USA - 11/7/16

INFILTRATION ALERT: "Let the Hawaii GOP become extinct," says current party leader - 12/2/16

HAWAII GOP DEMISE: The Party Treasurer's Secret 2016 Pre-Election $$$ Report - 11/29/16

Lyin' Fritz Rohlfing - Caught in Another BIG LIE - 11/22/16

The Election is OVER: So Let's Crunch Some Numbers . . . - 11/15/16

HIRA Statement on Hawaii's 2016 General Election Results - 11/8/16

GOP Leader Pat Saiki Endorses Violence Against Conservatives - 11/8/16

Mahalo & Congratulations to All Republican Candidates and Volunteers Today! - 11/8/16

Disgraced GOP Hawaii Leader Retaliates with VIOLENCE Against HIRA - 11/7/16

THE BIG MIDDLE FINGER: Kym Pine On the Rampage vs GOP - 11/4/16

It's Clear: Kym Pine has Gone Over to the Dark Side - 11/2/16

Hawaii GOP Insider Tells HIRA "The Party Has Zero" - 11/1/16

Quitting the GOP: Team Hellreich quietly lost yet another R to the D's. . . - 10/28/16

Today's Appalling HART Board Appointment of Democrat Mega-Donor - 10/28/16

R.I.P. -- Hawaii's GOP Pronounced Dead in 2016 by Local Media - 10/27/16

Anatomy of Hawaii News Now's Anti-GOP Smear Campaign - 10/25/16

HIRA VOTER GUIDE: Guidance on 2016 Constitution and Charter Proposals - 10/20/16

It's all over for Charles Djou - and HIRA knows why! - 10/19/16

Please Support Republican Emil Svrcina for City Council - 10/18/16

TWO MINUTES: See + Hear What's Wrong with Hawaii Politics - 10/16/16

THE GLOVES ARE OFF: KHVH's Rick Hamada Unloads on Hawaii GOP - 10/13/16

Winning in 2016 - Big Money, That Is!! (contest) - 10/4/16

HIRA Donates to Brave Island Republican Candidates in 2016 - 9/28/16

INFILTRATION ALERT: Is Democrat Ernie Martin Now Running the Hawaii GOP? - 9/22/16

The Right Response: Tell Obama's FTA to Kiss Oahu's Okole - 9/20/16

Must-Read Insights from a Maui Conservative + More GOP Campaign Happenings - 9/15/16

YOUR KOKUA NEEDED: Help End One-Party Rule in Hawaii - 9/14/16

Maui GOP Candidate Questions Lack of Party Support in 2016 - 9/13/16

PLEASE KOKUA - Support Hawaii Republican Action's 2016 Campaign - 9/12/16

Hawaii's 2016 GOP Candidates: Thrown to the Wolves by Team Hellreich - 9/9/16

HIRA WARNED YOU: Djou now open to RAISING TAXES for rail project - 8/31/16

2016 GAMECHANGER: It's Time for Us to Put Up or Shut Up About Taxes - 8/30/16

REPERCUSSIONS, RECRIMINATIONS AND FALLOUT: Team Hellreich's Botched Kaaihue Situation - 8/29/16

Who will replace the Hawaii GOP's Scandalous Congressional Candidate ??? - 8/22/16

Enter to Win $100,000 CASH in the Djou/HART Sweepstakes* - 8/18/16

Help celebrate Charles Djou's crowning achievement - HART !!! - 8/16/16

KYMBERLY PINE: An Update on the City Council and Mayor's Race in 2016 - 8/2/16

Hellreich's GOP Infiltrators Join Hawaii Delegation at DEMOCRAT National Convention - 7/27/16

Too Busy Partying Since '14 - So Let the '16 Blame Game Begin - 7/25/16

Hawaii GOP in Crisis (Part 2): A Dire Warning to 2016 GOP Candidates - 7/14/16

Hawaii GOP Deeply Infiltrated by Democrat Party Officers - 7/5/16

PARTY MERGER ALERT - Oahu's GOP is Joining with Oahu's DEMOCRAT Party - 6/29/16

Shall Oahu Voters Demand Another Vote on Rail ??? - 6/28/16

VERDICT IS IN: The National GOP Smacks Down Miriam Hellreich - Yet Again - 6/22/16

RINO REVENGE: Island Liberals Block HIRA Leader from Attending RNC Convention - 6/19/16

HEAD FAKE ON RAIL: Election year "Good News" from Oahu Democrats - 6/16/16

HAWAII GOP IN CRISIS (Part 1): Hellreich, Rohlfing et al Must RESIGN - 6/12/16

Hurting the GOP: Hawaii Trump Campaign in VERY Serious Trouble - 6/7/16

Duke Aiona: Absolutely Nowhere to be Found - 6/5/16

Top Six Reasons Charles Djou is a Closet Democrat - 5/31/16

BIG HIGHLIGHTS from GOP State Convention 2016 in Waipahu - 5/23/16


CORRUPTION ALERT: Fritz Rohlfing Cancelling Party Elections to Stay in Power - 5/15/16

FAILURE TO EXCITE: Hawaii GOP Leaders Decide to Reject Voters in 2016 - 5/11/16

CASE DISMISSED: Ewa Democrat Legislator Withdraws Phony Allegations Against GOP Challenger - 5/9/16

HIRA Salutes Conservative Leader Tito Montes - 5/4/16

CAUGHT IN THE ACT: Ewa Democrat Legislator Caught Stealing GOP Challenger's Signs - 4/25/16

Total Silence from GOP HQ: The 5-Year, $1.5 Billion Rail Tax Democrat Scandal - 4/19/16

Big GOP Hawaii News from High Level weekend meeting: 2016 Budget Slashed - 4/11/16

Hawaii GOP enters 2016 Election Year silent, neutral, and disorganized by order of party bosses!!! - 4/8/16

Infiltration Alert: GOP Chair Rohlfing installs Democrat Operative at Hawaii GOP - 4/6/16

VIDEO: GOP Leader Beth Fukumoto Helps Democrats Preserve Power - 4/4/16

No Denial: Closet Democrat Beth Fukumoto Concedes Bob McDermott's Serious Charges - 3/23/16

Bob McDermott Warns that HIRA's Predictions About Beth Fukumoto Are All Coming True - 3/19/16

Caucus Wrapup: A New Era for Hawaii Conservatives Has Begun - 3/9/16

Rubio is Losing Nationwide Tonight - "Don't Waste Your Vote on Rubio" - 3/8/16

Wow!!! This Might Be The Most Embarrassing Rubio Moment Ever - 3/7/16

Establishment Leaders at Hawaii GOP Attack Conservatives - 3/4/16

SAY WHAT? Nastiness and 'Trumpian' Profanity Arrives on Hawaii's Shores - 2/29/16

Endorse Already . . . Or Get Off the Pot - 2/18/16

Urgent Correction: Hawaii Democrats are anything BUT nervous - 2/14/16

Scary News About the "Most Dangerous Months" in Hawaii - 2/12/16

BAIT & SWITCH: Defrauding Hawaii Donors in the name of Abe Lincoln, Part 2 - 2/10/16

BAIT & SWITCH: Defrauding Hawaii Donors in the name of Abe Lincoln, Part 1 - 2/9/16

Another Dark Day for Hawaii Taxpayers, Homeowners & Renters - 1/27/16

Beth Fukumoto Leads Hawaii Republicans Down the Rabbit Hole - 1/25/16

PORK-BARREL ALERT: Hawaii Democrats Creating State-Owned Bank - 1/23/16

Hawaii GOP Speaker Attacks Passage of Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens - 1/21/16

Aloha and Welcome to Presidential Election Year 2016 - 1/19/16

Official Response from Rep. Bob McDermott on Increasing TWO Taxes on Oahu Residents - 1/16/16

Massive New Bipartisan Rail Property Tax Hike Revealed - 1/15/16

HEY DUDE, WHERE'S THE PARTY?!? Seriously, it's 2016. Where is it? - 1/13/16

Charles Djou's Breaking News Update - 1/9/16

SMACKDOWN: Republican Sam Slom Unloads on House GOP RINO's and All Democrats Over Amnesty - 1/06/16

HAWAII IN SHOCK: Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens with Hawaii GOP Support - 1/04/16

Vote TODAY and Help Name Something in Hawaii After Barack Obama - 12/30/15

We Need YOUR HELP to Rate Hawaii's State Politicians - 12/15/15

How Hawaii Democrats Finance Their Biennial Clobbering of Republicans - 12/11/15

The Past 24 Hours Alone Make the Case for a Republican Revolution in Hawaii - 12/10/15

SIGN THE PETITION: The Case for Corrupt Fritz Rohlfing's Immediate Resignation - 12/7/15

HIRA's Open Letter to Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC) - 11/23/15

Republican National Committee Throws Hawaii GOP Under the Bus - 11/19/15

Bait & Switch Shell Game: Miriam Hellreich's Fraud Confessions at Hawaii GOP Headquarters - 11/17/15

SMACKDOWN VIDEO: Humiliating Embezzlement Showdown at Hawaii GOP Headquarters - 11/9/15

Hawaii's 'Walking Dead' - 808's Republican Party in DEEP Trouble of All Kinds - 11/7/15

Dear Fritz Rohlfing: Republicans in Hawaii are NOT stupid, confused, and uninformed like you think they are - 11/2/15

Hawaii GOP Hires Democrat Lawyer to Threaten Legal Action to Shut Down HIRA - 11/2/15

Hawaii's Willes Lee Makes History as First Nominee to NRA Board of Directors from the Islands - 10/26/15

HRP Event Headliner Martinez in Serious Political Trouble - 10/24/15

BANNED VIDEO: Hawaii Democrats FOUGHT AGAINST Treating Homelessness as an Emergency for SEVEN YEARS - 10/21/15

Oahu Democrats are Coming for your Wallet TOMORROW - Take Action Today - 10/20/15

COVER UP AT HRP: Party Leaders Helleich, Saiki, and Rohlfing REFUSE to Disprove Fraud and Other Allegations - 10/12/15

LIES + SHELL GAMES EXPOSED: Fraud-Based Hawaii GOP Fundraiser is NOT for the Mortgage After All - 10/8/15

To Become Gods, Liberals Want to Eliminate God - 10/5/15

Stop Racism and Big Government in Hawaii NOW - 9/30/15

QUESTION: Are Honolulu City Councilmembers Really for Sale ?? - 9/21/15

The Real Reason for Fritz Rohlfing's "Kangaroo Court" at HRP - 9/15/15

On This Day - Let Us Remember! - 9/11/15

Hawaii's Willes Lee Elected 2nd Highest Official of National Republican Organization - 9/5/15

Hawaii's Banana Republic Government: Toxic Waste Flows Through Democrat-Run County and State Governments - 9/3/15

An Open Letter to Hawaii GOP State Chair Fritz Rohlfing from HIRA President Tito Montes - 8/31/15


Hawaii's Banana Republic Government: ZERO Actual Experience Needed for Emergency Coordinators - 8/17/15

HRP Silence -- Abortionists, Baby Part Merchants, and Nanny State Anti-Gunners - 8/8/15

Fritz Rohlfing: Time to Put On Your Big Boy Pants and Get to Work - 7/30/15

Rally Against Hawaii Planned Parenthood - 7/27/15

Today's Revolution - Stopping the Fundamental Transformation of America! - 7/6/15

Happy Independence Day! - 7/1/14

2015 Hawaii State Republican Convention -- Official Preview - Just $70 per person - 4/19/15

Hawaii's Banana Republic Government: You Really SHOULDN'T Be Surprised - 4/4/15

It's WORSE Than We Thought -- Local GOP Politicians Support Massive Rail Tax - 3/23/15

CODE BLUE: Why is the Hawaii GOP NOT FIGHTING the Giant New Rail Tax? - 3/17/15

Big, Bad Happenings at Republican State Committee Meeting - 3/9/15

Bad Legislation from Hawaii Politicians Must Be Stopped TODAY - 3/6/15

Conservatives Are Under Attack In Hawaii's Liberal Republican Party - 3/5/15

WHERE THE @#%& IS OUR PARTY ??? - 2/26/15

Update from the Hawaii Republican Party District Caucuses - 2/17/15

Disturbing Facts about HRP''s Lincoln Day Dinner - 2/15/15

Hawaii Parents and Children are About to Get the Shaft from Liberal Dems and Phony Repubs - 2/14/15

Our Party's Future Just Got a Little Brighter - 2/11/15

National Pro-Life Leader Carol Tobias Holds 'Talk Story' on Kauai' - 2/8/15

Hawaii Conservatives Flock to Reagan Dinner with National Pro-Life Leader - 2/6/15

ICYMI: A Tale of Two Dinners - Conservative vs. Liberal - 2/5/15

District Caucuses: IT'S TIME TO STEP UP!! - 2/3/15

FAILED PARTY 'LEADERS' -- They Do NOT Like It - 1/6/15

BREAKING NEWS: Indisputable Proof That Hawaii's Republican Party Was/Is Being Run by Democrats - 12/30/14

TWO WASTED YEARS: What Went Wrong in 2014 for Hawaii Republicans - Part III - 12/11/14

MORE BROKEN PROMISES: What Went Wrong in 2014 for Hawaii Republicans - Part II - 12/07/14

YOU'RE INVITED: HIRA Welcomes the Nation's Top Pro-Life Champion and President of the National Right to Life Committee -- Carol Tobias - 12/05/14

BROKEN PROMISES EXPOSED: What Went Wrong in 2014 for Hawaii Republicans - Part I - 12/02/14

MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Hawaii's Annual 'Reagan Dinner' will be held Feb. 6, 2015 - 12/01/14

Party Leaders: "It's Time to Go!" - 11/17/14

Hawaii's Conservatives Attend HIRA's Sold Out Veterans Day Fundraiser with the NRA's Jim Porter - 11/08/14

SAM SLOM'S WARNING: Hawaii's Downgraded Economic Future = 'State Surplus' + 'Good Times' are GONE - 10/06/14

Have Dinner in Hawaii with NRA President Jim Porter on Veterans Day Weekend - 9/28/14

CODE BLUE: Crime Prevention Laws from Obama's Other Hometown Should Be Enacted Here in Hawaii - 9/16/14

HIRA Road Show Town Hall - Friday, September 19th in Kahala - 9/14/14

CODE BLUE: Rampant Crime in the Aloha State against Disarmed and Defenseless Citizens - 9/12/14

The Hawaii Republican Assembly unveils annual scorecard of all 76 state legislators - 9/2/14

Introducing HIRA's Annual Scorecard: HIRA Rates all 76 Members of the State House and State Senate - 9/2/14

Education Alert: Liberals Fight Back to Corrupt Your Children, Despite Breaking the Law with 'Pono Choices' - 8/25/14

HIRA Road Show Town Hall - July 31st in Kailua - 7/22/14

Hawaii Republicans MUST Lead: Obamacare and the Hawaii Connector - 7/21/14

HIRA Helps Set Back Pono Choices - Help Us Continue the Fight! - 7/11/14

Help HIRA to Keep Our New Republican Ads On the Air - 7/9/14

What DO We Celebrate on July 4th? - 7/4/14

HIRA Road Show Town Hall - July 10th in Mililani - 6/30/14

VA Failures Predict the Future: ObamaCare - 6/11/14

HIRA Road Show Town Hall - June 26th in Ewa Beach - 6/9/14

HIRA Mailbag: Answering Letters from HIRA Readers - 5/30/14

Memorial Day 2014: They Answered the Call of Duty - 5/26/14

Official HIRA Statement About Today's Hawaii Republican Party 2014 State Convention - 5/17/14

Thank a Hero: Armed Forces Day 2014 - 5/16/14

Our Nation's Military Seriously Undermined by Obama and Hawaii's Willing Democrats - 5/15/14

We Need YOU to Help Rate Hawaii's Politicians - 5/12/14

The Hawaii Republican Assembly's Influence Has Grown Far Beyond Hawaii's Shores - 5/8/14

Major Financial Woes Plague Hawaii GOP - 5/6/14

Democrat Corruption in our State and Country - 4/19/14

THE ROYAL SCAM: Local Boy Obama's Big Con - 4/10/14

EDUCATION ALERT: Abercrombie Stacks Secret Pono Choices Task Force with Progressives - 3/25/14

BREAKING NEWS: HRP Platform Committee Adopts Party NEUTRALITY ON ALL ISSUES in 2014 - 3/22/14

Highlights of Pat Saiki's Biography + Party Member Reaction - 3/18/14

Pat Saiki Gets Off to a REALLY Bad Start . . . - 3/15/14

Hawaii GOP Replaces Chang with Party Chair from 1980's - 3/13/14

Just HOW Badly Have Democrats Messed Up Hawaii?? - Come This Thursday to Find Out - 3/4/14

HIRA Road Show Town Hall - Tomorrow in KAHALA - 2/27/14

Hawaii's Matson Choice: Let the Fleecing Continue or Bring on the Competition - 2/26/14

HIRA Road Show Town Hall - Join Us Next Friday in KAHALA - 2/19/14

HIRA's Reagan Dinner - A Smashing Success - 2/7/14

URGENT: Important Pono Choices Meetings and Deadlines - 2/3/14

A Special Message and Invitation from Rep. Bob McDermott - 1/29/14

BREAKING: Next Week's Ronald Reagan Dinner keynote announced - 1/28/14

HIRA Road Show Town Hall - Join Us One Week from Today in Kailua - 1/9/14

HIRA's Year In Review and What's Ahead - 1/7/14

Talk Radio Star Michael Medved's Personal Invitation to Hawaii Conservatives - 12/31/13

EXCLUSIVE BREAKING NEWS - Exposed: The Why and What of Pono Choices - 12/23/13

There's nothing "Pono" about Pono Choices - 12/20/13

INVITATION: SBH + HIRA Pau Hana with Talk Radio's Michael Medved - 12/19/13

Conservative Political Action Conference 2013 + Ronald Reagan Dinner - 12/11/13

Tickets On Sale Now: HIRA's Inaugural Ronald Reagan Freedom and Liberty Dinner - 12/05/13

Save the Date: HIRA's Inaugural Ronald Reagan Freedom and Liberty Dinner - 11/26/13

The Biggest Lessons from the Special Session - 11/20/13

36 Hour Deadline to Provide Testimony to State House Committees on SB1 (Hawaii's homosexual 'marriage' bill) - 10/28/13

Neil Abercrombie Misleads Public About Effects of Homosexual Marriage - 10/21/13

HIRA Meeting in Mililani For Victims of Bad Government - 10/16/13

HIRA Radio Campaign Launches: Educate the Public and Make Your Voice Heard Today - 10/7/13

Special Announcement of important events coming up! - 10/4/13

Latest Updates on Abercrombie's Extremist/Democrat Push for Homosexual "Marriage" - 10/3/13

Are you a victim of bad government and overtaxation here in Hawaii?? - 9/25/13

Please Attend This Friday's SBH All-Star Event - 9/18/13

Good News: The Debasing of Marriage is NOT Inevitable in Hawaii - 9/16/13

The 9/11 Attacks: WE SHALL NOT FORGET!!! - 9/11/13

REDEFINING MARRIAGE: Forewarned is Forearmed - 9/7/13

Hawaii is #1 Welfare State in the Nation - 9/6/13

WARNING: Religious Exemption is a Scam - 9/3/13

The Latest News Gives Us Real Hope in Fighting SSM - 8/29/13

STAY STRONG: You Can Influence Hawaii's SSM Debate - 8/27/13

Contact Party Leaders to Take a Stand Against Homosexual "Marriage" - 8/21/13

The Costly Failures of So-Called "Bipartisanship": Part Two - 8/14/13

Tell Abercrombie to Reject Call for Special SSM Session - 8/6/13

The Costly Failures of So-Called "Bipartisanship": Part One - 8/5/13

"VIDEO: Rusty Humphries Rocks the House at HIRA Luncheon" - 7/29/13

"PRESS RELEASE: National Talk Radio Star Rusty Humphries Headlines Sold Out Luncheon Sponsored by Hawaii Republican Assembly and Smart Business Hawaii" - 7/19/13

"This Friday: Rusty Humphries Live on Oahu" - 7/17/13

"HIRA President Montes on Radio Tomorrow" - 7/9/13

"Marriage Evidence Disproves Empty Rhetoric of the Left" - 7/8/13

"Hawaii's Conservatives Must Work to Stop Gay 'Marriage'" - 6/28/13

"KITV: HIRA Sees IRS Backlash Helping GOP" - 6/17/13

"Help Celebrate American Independence with HIRA and the Honolulu Tea Party" - 6/13/13

"HIRA is Energizged and Open for Business" - 6/6/13

"HIRA is Officially Open for Business" - 5/29/13

"Hawaii Republican Assembly Launches with New Board of Directors" - 5/25/13

The new state budget is NOT "fiscally conservative" - 5/22/13

"Official Statement Concerning Hawaii Republican Convention 2013" - 5/18/13

"Setting the Record Straight: The Facts About HRP's Decline" - 5/17/13

"Hawaii Republican Switches Parties . . . and the Trend Continues" - 5/07/13

"Despite Law Enforcement Speaking Out and U.S. Senate Rejection, Hawaii Passes More Restrictive Gun Laws" - 4/30/13

"Media Fails to Cover Abortion Clinic Crimes" - 4/24/13

"Democrats Want to Tax Your Online Purchases" - 4/23/13

"Where is the Courage in the Republican Party?" - 4/18/13

"Hawaii Democrats Push Obama Gun Policies, Support Proposed Kailua-Kona Shooting Range" - 4/18/13

"Same Day 'Voter Invasions'" - 4/9/13

"Cradle to Grave: New State Preschools, Politicians Ignore Police Plea" - 4/2/13

"Forcing Health Care Providers to Give Abortions, Denying Relief for the High Cost of Living, 2nd Amendment Rights Under the Gun" - 3/26/13

"Threatened City Gas Tax Hike, Senators Push Gender Quotas, 'Studying' Same Sex Marriage" - 3/25/13