Calling all Hawaii conservatives. You are cordially invited to the conservative event of the year in the islands. Tickets go on sale TODAY for HIRA's exclusive presentation of national conservative talk radio superstar Rusty Humphries at the Waialae Country Club on July 19th (Friday) from 11:30am to 2pm.

Come meet and mingle and lunch with fellow Hawaii's conservatives and patriots. Then hear from one of the nation's best known conservative voices, live and in person, about what's happened to America since Obama took office and what lies ahead for our nation. Specifically, the topic of Rusty's talk on July 19th will be "Why Conservatism Matters".
Ralph Edward "Rusty" Humphries is an American radio host, conservative political commentator, and political parody songwriter. Humphries' nationally-syndicated radio show, The Rusty Humphries Show airs on over 250 stations through the Talk Radio Network.
The biggest names in politics line up to speak to Rusty each day on his top rated conservative talk show as Rusty tackles all the big issues. In recent weeks, Rusty has discussed Obamacare, IRS-gate, Reporter-gate, Bengazi-gate and more with presidential candidates, senators, congressmen, conservative VIP's and celebrities such as Ann Coulter, John Bolton, Grover Norquist, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Marco Rubio, Karl Rove, Rick Santelli, Michelle Malkin, and more. Rusty broke news recently when he got Harry Reid, the Democrat majority leader in the U.S. Senate, to admit that Obamacare could easily become a "train wreck". |

If you haven't experienced Rusty in person, here are a couple of great video clips of Rusty in action . . . CLIP ONE . . . CLIP TWO. On the air, Rusty's massively popular syndicated show is heard weekdays in Honolulu on KIKI AM-990 during afternoon drive time from 4pm to 7pm.
Yes, Rusty Humphries is coming to the islands and political "red meat" will be on the menu.
So please get your tickets today and join us on Friday, July 19th from 11:30am to 2pm. Price includes lunch.

Last Friday, June 14th, KITV's Andrew Pereira produced a report featuring HIRA's president Tito Montes which addressed HIRA's proposition that the conservative backlash to the IRS scandal has actually emboldened conservatives and even helped Republican efforts to attract new members, donors, and volunteers in advance of the 2014 election. Here's the video:
Mahalo for your support of HIRA and for keeping conservative aspirations alive. If you like what HIRA has been doing to advance the conservative cause in Hawaii and if you like where HIRA is headed, please consider joining and/or donating to the Hawaii Republican Assembly. The best descriptions of HIRA in recent months have been “conservative” and “active” and "serious about changing Hawaii", which we definitely are and always will be. With your help, we’ll get things done in Hawaii that conservatives have been rightly clamoring for. So join us today and change Hawaii tomorrow.