Dear Fellow Republicans,
Please take action today to help improve Republican prospects across the islands in 2014.
HIRA’s statewide 2014 radio campaign is underway today on multiple stations and we need your help keeping our ads on the airwaves through November. Join with us in informing and mobilizing Hawaii voters so they can see the incontrovertible and overwhelming evidence that Hawaii’s Democrat politicians and bureaucrats are doing more harm than good.
Brave Republican candidates have put their names on the ballot and need assistance in spreading the word to voters in advance of the election. The local news media will do nothing help educate and persuade voters about the failings of Democrat governance, so we must deliver the Republican message over and over in order to break through the liberal media bias that keeps local Democrats in power. Such silence is a recipe for political failure.

But we can’t do it without your help. In the past year, HIRA and its supporters have been leading the fight -- taking the battle to the failed Democrats on issue after issue.
With your kokua, we can hasten the end to the governing Democrat supermajority’s hold on power.
Take a listen to our very first 60-second commercial below and please help keep our series of ads on the air with your generous donation to HIRA’s SuperPAC today. Please click HERE to help us reach our goal of reaching every Hawaii voter between now and Election Day.

Please donate $10, $20, $100 or $1,000 today at HawaiiRepublicanAssembly.com. You can help keep these ads and messages like this on the air by contributing to HIRA’s SuperPAC “HIRA Action”.
Even the leadership of the Hawaii Republican Party has explicitly told island Republicans that “folks should join HIRA if they care about issues”. Well, we completely agree and that is why we are leading the fight against Hawaii’s Democrat politicians. Please join us today!
Mahalo for your kokua,

President - Hawaii Republican Assembly
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