Have you ever wondered ?!?!?! . . .
Which Hawaii legislators voted in 2014 to waste millions of your state tax dollars to bailout the failing and wasteful Obamacare exchange that even HMSA wants nothing to do with?
Which local politicians voted in 2014 to tax everything Hawaii residents purchase via the internet so they could give even more underserved pay raises to state bureaucrats?
Which state elected officials voted in 2014 to invite even more election year bungling and outright corruption by allowing same-day voter registration so anyone can show up anywhere to vote at the last minute?
The new HIRA scorecard holds the answers to these questions and more.
There are 76 state legislators - 51 in the State House and 25 in the State Senate. HIRA not only tracks who voted for what, but we’ve developed a scorecard to be released annually so you can tell the liberals from the conservatives and see through their facade and get right down to knowing how well or how poorly each politician did his or her job.
Based on votes on eleven key pieces of legislation during the past year, every politician at the State Capitol was rated for his or her conservatism. Some of the ratings may surprise you, both with Republicans and Democrats.
The issues range from taxes and spending to same-sex marriage; from the job-killing minimum wage increase to the state's bailout of the counties in order to pay for costly retirement perks for government employees.
It’s an election year. It’s your chance to clean house. Even recently deposed Neil Abercrombie is the first to admit that Democrats don’t deserve to hold office after failing on issue after issue for so long. Here's Abercrombie's videotaped confession from 2014 at a local Democrat convention right here . . .

HIRA’s scorecard fills the void in the political conversation by holding politicians accountable for how well or how poorly they performed their most important official duty: voting on legislation which affects our lives each and every day. Many of these elected officials aren’t who you think they are. They skate from year to year with very few people realizing that their rhetoric and voting records just do not line up.
Thanks to the input of many HIRA members and supporters, HIRA’s scorecard is based on the issues that matter most. HIRA’s scorecard takes all the guesswork out of voting in 2014; it will pierce through the celebrity images of these self-promoting politicians and show what they’ve really done in office. Most aren’t who you think they are, and most, while very good at signwaving and glad-handing, have betrayed taxpayers so frequently that they simply can’t be trusted with your money.
Please download HIRA’s free scorecard today. Get to know all about the incumbents before you cast another vote for someone who will keep taking Hawaii in the wrong direction.

HIRA’s statewide 2014 radio campaign is underway today on multiple stations and we need your help keeping our ads on the airwaves through November. Join with us in informing and mobilizing Hawaii voters so they can see the incontrovertible and overwhelming evidence that Hawaii’s Democrat politicians and bureaucrats are doing more harm than good.
Brave Republican candidates have put their names on the ballot and need assistance in spreading the word to voters in advance of the election. The local news media will do nothing help educate and persuade voters about the failings of Democrat governance, so we must deliver the Republican message over and over in order to break through the liberal media bias that keeps local Democrats in power. Such silence is a recipe for political failure. Take a listen to our newest commercial, now running statewide . . .

But we can’t do it without your help. In the past year, HIRA and its supporters have been leading the fight -- taking the battle to the failed Democrats on issue after issue.

And join the Hawaii Republican Assembly today, so you can help change Hawaii tomorrow.

President - Hawaii Republican Assembly

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