A couple of major developments have occurred in the perverted world of state-sponsored Pono Choices. . . a program which is so terribly offensive and wrongheaded that the DOE was forced to change the old requirement from an opt-out to an opt-in sexual education program.
Development #1: Now liberals are running TV commercials to push their youth sexualizing agenda on our 11-year-olds. Their latest ruse: a kindly kupuna wahine wearing a muumuu telling Hawaii parents, in so many words, that anal sex and homosexual relationships are “pono” and “reflect ohana values.” This part-Hawaiian registered dietician seems to want your kids to get a steady diet of 'how to have as much sex as possible while in middle school' so that government employees like her, and Planned Parenthood, never go out of business.
With propaganda like this coming from liberals that never back down from a fight, you know it won't be long before the bureaucrats at the public schools start sending home to parents some generic 'opt-in' consent/release forms pushing Pono Choices enrollment. The deceptive forms could come with scare tactics like "Don't let your daughter get pregnant" or "Don't let your son get AIDS" to maximize their goal of pushing deviant values into classrooms filled with impressionable children. Please warn you neighbors to be on the lookout for such a tactic from their children’s school.
Development #2: Laws were completely ignored by these liberal pushers of Pono Choices. State Representative Bob McDermott has not only been leading the fight against Pono Choices, he has been leading the investigation into the very legality (or illegality) of this program. Guess what? Laws were broken, both State and Federal. Check out HIRA member Bob McDermott's newest video report that makes the case that Pono Choices is about as legal as Obama's trade of five hardcore terrorists in Guantanamo for an Army deserter and Taliban sympathizer. Watch Representative McDermott’s video and see how we can end Pono Choices once and for all.

So please stay informed and stay engaged. Don't let down your guard. Pono Choices is not dead. It's just sneaking up on your family from a new direction.
Join with Bob McDermott by becoming a member of the Hawaii Republican Assembly. Join us today and change Hawaii tomorrow.

President - Hawaii Republican Assembly

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