Conservatives and Republicans are invited to a very important Republican meeting in West Oahu this Thursday evening at 7pm. Republicans need to organize now in order to succeed in bringing the fight to Democrats. Starting with HIRA meetings in Ewa Beach and Mililani, island conservatives will be meeting to discuss how we can take Hawaii in a better direction, with a focus. Pizza and refreshments will be served. Here are the details:
Ewa Beach – TONIGHT - Thursday, October 3rd @ 7:00pm
Asing Park Rec Room (91-1450 Renton Road)
Mililani - Thursday, October 17th @ 7:00pm
Mililani District Park Gym (91-1150 Lanikuhana Avenue)
A recent op-ed appearing in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser made the clear-cut, well-documented case that Abercrombie’s proposed legislation for homosexual “marriage” is the “by far the most extreme” in the United States. The governor’s radical, gender-neutral overhaul of Hawaii’s marriage laws provides the worst possible protections for businesses and religious institutions alike. Here’s an excerpt of the article from the Hawaii Free Press:
“As a part of my practice in providing legal representation to religious organizations, I was directed to consult with the nonprofit American Religious Freedom Program, a nonpartisan Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington D.C. I asked ARFP’s State Legislative Policy Director to review the proposed religious liberty protection provisions in the Attorney General’s bill in order to contrast it with other States which recently adopted same-sex marriage legislation such as Minnesota. His assessment was sobering. He said that if Hawaii’s religious freedoms protection language is not augmented it would be by far the most extreme infringement of institutional and personal religious liberties by any state in the nation passing similar legislation....” Please read the full article HERE.
Despite the public outcry about the Hawaii Supreme Court’s Baehr v. Lewin ruling which led to the hugely successful pro-traditional marriage amending of our state constitution in the 1990’s, the court’s ruling in that very same-sex lawsuit held that there is no fundamental right to homosexual marriage:
Here’s an extremely relevant excerpt from the Court decision which should give Abercrombie and Democrats pause:
“(W)e do not believe that a right to same-Sex marriage is so rooted in the traditions and collective Conscience of our people that failure to recognize it would violate the fundamental principles of liberty and justice that lie at the base of all our civil and political institutions. Neither do we believe that a right to same-sex marriage is implicit in the concept of ordered liberty, such that neither liberty nor justice would exist if it were sacrificed. Accordingly, we hold that the applicant couples do not have a fundamental constitutional right to same-sex marriage arising out of the right to privacy.”
Wow!! And this opinion about SSM comes from Hawaii’s liberal Supreme Court, each of whose members were approved by Democrats at the same legislature which is fast-tracking homosexual “marriage” with a special session later this month. For anyone who cares about serious legal opinions about civil rights, the proclamation that there is no “right to same-sex marriage” should settle things once and for all.
Democrats continue to try and “buy off” their constituents by asserting a phony and completely insincere claim that they have written a “religious exemption” into the bill which they intend to turn into a law during the October 28th session at the State Capitol. This “exemption” is meaningless due to the liberal legal concept of “public accommodations” which prevents renters of rooms from being choosy. Despite traditional American business rights – including the “right to refuse service” – Hawaii Democrats have written this bill so that it would NOT truly exempt churches from performing homosexual weddings. So if a church or religious institution allows anyone else on their grounds to meet -- such as an after-school dance group, a Twelve-Step program, a food pantry serving the general community, a scout troop, a sports team or people from the local community who use the gym, etc. -- then that church or religious institution would lose its so-called religious exemption and could be sued and punished if it does not allow homosexual weddings. Democrats know this, and are banking on you not knowing. SEE SECTION §572-G ON RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION HERE which only applies “under certain circumstances”. You can be pretty 'certain' what Democrats and their extremist allies will do once this law is enacted: http://governor.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Marriage_Bill_8-22-13.pdf
– Part One (On our shores now)
Experts across the country on BOTH sides of the homosexual “marriage” issue are quick to point out that the issuance of marriage licenses to homosexuals has almost NOTHING to do with the ultimate aims of the extreme homosexual radicals. These extremists don’t merely want “tolerance”. Instead, they are pushing an “anything goes” social agenda which eliminates any traditional concepts of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ or ‘good’ or ‘bad’ where relationships are concerned. To this despicable end, churches and parents will be under attack for telling the truth. Just two months ago, Olelo videotaped a meeting entitled “Recognizing Religious Homophobia” at the State Capitol. The meeting was sponsored by the same LGBT ‘community’ which is pushing for passage of the SSM bill at the State Legislature. At this meeting, it was made clear by these Hawaii radicals that teaching against homosexuality by parents will be considered child abuse. See for yourself. Here's the online video recording on Olelo: http://olelo.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=25&clip_id=36482
– Part Two (Coming soon to Hawaii)
Some people think that the issuing of marriage licenses will be the end of it. I hear people say, “let them get married, it is not going to affect me.” The truth is it will, and it will affect your children especially. Many people believed the extremists when they promised that civil unions would the end of it. Well, those liberal folks in California really light the way for Hawaii’s radicals. First up is civil unions; then gay marriage. Then the full attack starts which makes your children pawns in a culture war against traditional values. LGBT History Month in the Schools, which promotes gay porn to children. SEE LINK HERE. Letting boys and girls go to the bathroom together by creating co-ed bathrooms in order to make sexually confused children pick whatever bathroom they want. SEE LINK HERE. Liberal social engineers using the tax code to crush non-profit organizations which serve the needs of children, such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Little League, Pop Warner Football, 4H Clubs, Boys Clubs, Girls Clubs, etc. SEE LINK HERE.
. . . then please do so now. First, check your legislator’s position on homosexual 'marriage' HERE. Chances are that you and your family are currently represented by a Democrat who has chosen to side with extreme liberal special interest groups (and our radical governor) over the hardworking, family-oriented constituents in his/her district. Please start working right away to change his or her mind until they see the light and say “NO”. To make things easy, here’s a website which practically does all the work for you in contacting your out-of-control member of the State House of Representatives. Click HERE to visit the National Organization for Marriage.
Homosexuals are a tiny minority in Hawaii. And only a tiny minority of that tiny minority has even bothered to get ‘hitched’ since civil unions were hurriedly legalized several years ago by Hawaii Democrats at the State Capitol. As Republican State Senator Sam Slom and even the Honolulu Star-Advertiser recently noted, only 186 civil unions were entered into during the first five months of 2013 while a whopping 8,790 ‘straight’ couples tied the knot. With Hawaii catering to a few dozen people each year in furtherance of the radical left’s agenda to delegitimize ‘traditional values’, we are heading down a terrible path to be like states such as Massachusetts in which the extreme homosexual / bisexual / transgender / polyamorous / transvestite ‘community’ has brought government, businesses, education, and virtually every other facet of society to their knees. Get the facts HERE about what terrible consequences, intended and unintended, were quickly unleashed in the once great state of Massachusetts in the weeks, months and years following the legalization of gay 'marriage'. It should serve as a warning to every resident of the great state of Hawaii.
Make plans to attend two rallies at the State Capitol organized to speak out against the ‘redefinition’ of marriage in Hawaii. Mark your calendar, spread the word, and please be there.
Rally #1
THIS Sunday Oct. 6, 2013 from 3pm-5pm
Hawaii State Capitol Rotunda

Rally #2
Monday, Oct. 28, 2013 from 4pm-7pm
Hawaii State Capitol Rotunda

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