Aloha Republicans and Conservatives:
You are cordially invited to attend a very important informational meeting sponsored by the Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA) TOMORROW NIGHT, October 17 @ 7pm to be held at the Mililani District Park Gym located at 94-1150 Lanikuhana Avenue.
Republican State Representative Bob McDermott of Ewa Beach will give you the inside scoop on the upcoming special session of our state legislature.
Also, I'll be making a hard numbers presentation about the current "state" of Hawaii and what we can do to help make it better.
This meeting will provide information from the Public Access Room at the State Capitol.
Food and beverages will be provided. More information is below.
Finally, if you are concerned about the awful way that politicians are running our county and state governments, if you are at all worried about decisions these politicians will be making in the weeks and months ahead on the entire range of critical issues, then we hope to see you there tomorrow night.

President - Hawaii Republican Assembly

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