Every single mainland problem is here in Hawaii in a big way. From violent drug gangs to murder to rape to assault to carjackings to home invasions and more, we can’t pretend that Hawaii is somehow unique and immune to these types of crime. Most crimes go unreported, unsolved, and/or unprosecuted because there’s just so much crime in Hawaii . . . and because the justice system only enters the picture long after the law-abiding have already been victimized by those who routinely get away with their crimes.
People deserve to exercise the right to self-defense. Why should you or anyone have to wait until they become a victim to call 911, fill out a report, and then wonder if justice will ever come?
Too often, it never comes and the criminals get away with everything. The much better outcome is that the crimes never got to happen at all and that the perpetrators were stopped in their tracks through the deterrent effect of criminals knowing that potential victims might be ready for them.
Reforms in gun laws that arm the law-abiding citizen have been met with amazing success; especially in Obama's other 'hometown' of Chicago.
Look at this new chart from our conservative friends at the Heritage Foundation, based on research and analysis from the Washington Times newspaper. Crime drops when law-abiding citizens are allowed to legally defend themselves and legally carry a concealed weapon.
Backed by Hawaii's left-leaning state and local politicians, county police chiefs statewide refuse to approve concealed gun permits for anyone (except for a few well-connected political cronies). But you can help HIRA and the NRA create the necessary pressure to bring the Chicago solution to Hawaii and our law-abiding general public.
That’s why HIRA is hosting the president of the NRA, Jim Porter, at a special dinner on Saturday, November 8th . . . MARK YOUR CALENDAR and save that date. Tickets go on sale very, very soon. You won't want to miss this important event.

**UPDATE: The Honolulu Star-Advertiser’s sometimes publishes utter nonsense, as in political reporter Derrick DePledge's new article about HIRA’s last e-blast. DePledge says that HIRA 'doesn’t understand' the connection between increased gun ownership and reduced crime. Maybe today's e-newsletter from HIRA will help him to understand the issue of gun rights with a more informed perspective than the newspaper's usual knee-jerk liberal attitude toward the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights; an amendment to the very same U.S. Constitution which establishes Mr. DePledge's 1st Amendment right to publish bogus stories and opinions.