While it is often noted that Hawaii has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, it is rarely mentioned by liberal activists or biased reporters that these same laws only apply to law-abiding people. This means that armed and even unarmed lawbreakers who have no regard for the law or for their fellow citizens will always have the upper hand when engaging in criminal acts against the innocent.
So when politicians who want to disarm our society screech about getting guns off the streets through "tougher laws", all they’ve done is effectively disarm law-abiding citizens. They are purposely making it harder and harder for you and me to be SAFE from robbers, carjackers, home invaders, muggers, rapists, etc., while doing nothing at all to make the lawbreakers themselves less dangerous.
NONE of Hawaii’s anti-gun laws stopped any of this from happening recently.

Last week’s home invasion on the Big Island

Armed carjacking two weeks ago in Hilo

Murder in Downtown Honolulu by Deadly Assault Six Weeks Ago

July’s armed robbery of a fast-food restaurant in Waipahu

Kidnapping, sexual assault and terroristic threatening in West Hawaii in April 2014

Extortion of Hawaii Businesses and Car Thefts by Honolulu Police Officer and Accomplice

Mugging and homicide of Waikiki waitress earlier in 2014

The rape of stranded female motorist in Puna by man convicted last year
Yes, Hawaii’s anti-gun laws did not stop either the armed or the unarmed criminals from committing felonies. But Hawaii’s gun control laws do play an enormous role in restricting citizens from engaging in self-defense. In addition, these same restrictive gun laws also prevent passers-by from being able to do their part in helping to make law-abiding people safer from dangerous criminals. Good Samaritans must walk around just as vulnerable and unarmed as crime victims.
Try to imagine living in a community in which criminals had to worry long and hard about whom might be prepared for self-defense. Instead, Hawaii politicians force us to live in a world in which criminals know that defenseless people have no hope of police showing up before they have committed their crimes and are long gone.
THE SOLUTION: HIRA wants to shift power from the criminals to law-abiding citizens . . . and YOU can help to make this happen.
That's why HIRA is hosting the President of the National Rifle Association -- THAT'S RIGHT, the head of the N.R.A. -- on Saturday, November 8th. MARK YOUR CALENDAR. Tickets on sale next week.
If you want to make a difference by reforming Hawaii's pro-criminal gun laws, then join with HIRA and the NRA to restore your right to bear arms in the Aloha State. Let’s make Hawaii safer and take a real bite out of crime.
Mark your calendar and watch for next week's official announcement when tickets go on sale.