SAVING 2018: HIRA's Eric Ryan Urges the Hawaii GOP State Committee to Remove State Chair Shirlene Ostrov Before It's Too Late to SALVAGE the '18 General Election
BREAKING NEWS: HIRA president Eric Ryan delivered his formal complaint this weekend to the governing State Committee of the RINO-controlled Hawaii Republican Party (HRP). Ryan is calling for the removal of HRP state chair Shirlene Ostrov in order to prevent the slaughter of brave island GOP candidates running in 2018.
With only five and a half months until the election, Ostrov's 'leadership' failures are many and (if she is allowed to remain as chair from now till November 6th) will lead inevitably to an electoral disaster in Hawaii's General Election.
HERE is a copy of Ryan's full official complaint containing all of the gory details which party members, donors, candidates, supporters and lower level officers deserve to know, but which they'll never hear from Ostrov or her cronies.
BOTTOM LINE: RINO Party Leaders led by Shirlene Ostrov are delivering the GOP's 2018 candidates to the slaughter, despite all the issues in Hawaii being on the side of Republicans!! Failure to message, failure to organize, failure to contact and persuade Hawaii's 700,000 registered voters, and other substantial failures of leadership by Ostrov and top party officers has effectively thrown the 2018 Election under the bus.
Yes, it’s been one year since the election of political neophyte Shirlene Ostrov over serial perjurer Andria Tupola by a margin of 2-to-1 to lead the Hawaii GOP.
Before reading Ryan's full complaint HERE calling for the speedy removal of Ostrov at a meeting of the State Committee later this coming week, be forewarned. HRP leaders already know that 2018 is on track to being a certified political disaster.
Despite puppet state chairwoman Shirlene Ostrov’s credulity-straining and face-saving predictions to Civil Beat days ago that the Hawaii GOP “would make historic gains this election cycle”, the RINO’s who run the Hawaii GOP do NOT want you to know the information inside Ryan's complaint since they hope to blame people other than themselves for the coming 2018 election debacle.
In fact, frightened Ostrov reportedly hopes to convince you to regard HIRA’s 100% accurate reporting as “fake news” since the truth is too hard for her to bear.
After 12 months since Ostrov took charge, what’s happening at party headquarters COMPLETELY FAILS to give Republican candidates any better chance of winning in 2018 than they did under Fritz Rohlfing in 2016, Pat Saiki in 2014, David Chang in 2012, or Jonah Kaauwai in 2010.
Based on what HIRA president Ryan reveals in his complaint to remove Ostrov, every officer on Ostrov’s leadership team should probably resign in disgrace. Without question, Ostrov and everyone on her slate elected at the 2017 Kauai state convention needs to go immediately. The decline in average votes received by GOP challenger candidates (shown belo) appears to be on track to worsen in 2018, not improve, thanks to Ostrov's many leadership failures.

2018 Spoiler Alert: Despite all the issues being bad for Democrats (if the Hawaii GOP had bothered to exploit those issues), 2018 is on track to be a total disaster. Party leaders probably never had any real intention of winning because experienced political operatives already know that Ostrov failed to any of the work needed to help candidates win. Ostrov’s Hawaii GOP is keeping Republicans from becoming the majority and harming any hope of repealing and replacing failed Democrat policies.
And THAT is why HIRA president Eric Ryan has officially called upon the State Committee of the Hawaii GOP to remove Ostrov as chair this week and immediately replace her with someone who knows what he or she is doing so that the next five and a half months until the November 6th General Election don’t go down the drain.
********** Sorry folks. HIRA hates to be the bearer of bad tidings. We're trying very hard to fix our broken state party. But please know that we are trying to salvage 2018 by urging this immediate change of failed RINO leadership and affecting a change of direction at HRP. Please keep your fingers crossed that the governing State Committee of the Hawaii GOP decides to put their mission ahead of the temptation to circle the wagons, engage in group hugs, blame others for their troubles and ride out the storm ahead. |