Dear Fellow Republicans,
As you probably know, the perverse “sex education” curriculum Pono Choices has been dealt a severe set-back. This victory came in large part due to the efforts of Republican State Representative Bob McDermott (District 40, Ewa Beach) with support from the Hawaii Republican Assembly, and many citizens who spoke out against this travesty of education.
Even with this victory, we cannot rest. Here are the pros and cons:
- The anus will no longer be defined as Genital! (as if this would ever need correction; leave it to liberals to change the truth to meet their ends)
- Program will now disclose the increased risks of unprotected anal sex
- Make the program a parental op-in! (This is huge. Please warn all parents of materials children may bring home regarding sex education. It may be a form to opt-in to Pono Choices.)
- Still presents homosexual scenarios disproportionately and on-par with heterosexual behavior.
- Still discusses age inappropriate material with 11-13 year old students.
- Fails to provide a predator protection module
Here are the links to the complete reports:

Strong, courageous leadership, informing the public, and the fearless upholding of conservative principles are the reasons Pono Choices has been defeated.

That is why HIRA is beginning a statewide 2014 radio campaign that is underway on multiple stations and we need your help keeping our ads on the airwaves. Join us in informing and mobilizing Hawaii voters so they can see the incontrovertible and overwhelming evidence that Hawaii’s Democrat politicians and bureaucrats are doing way more harm than good.

Please donate $10, $20, $100 or $1,000 today at http://www.HawaiiRepublicanAssembly.com. You can help keep these ads and messages like this on the air by contributing to HIRA’s SuperPAC “HIRA Action”.
Even the leadership of the Hawaii Republican Party has explicitly told island Republicans that “folks should join HIRA if they care about issues”. Well, we completely agree and that is why we are leading the fight against Hawaii’s Democrat politicians. Please join us today!
Mahalo for your kokua,

President - Hawaii Republican Assembly
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