Aloha Fellow Conservative:
Hawaii’s Democrat Governor Neil Abercrombie and his reckless administration are ramping up to defend the indefensible in order to mislead Hawaii voters and push through their radical social agenda at the upcoming special session – which starts just one week from today.
Several days ago, the Abercrombie administration went on television and responded directly to the Hawaii Republican Assembly’s advertising campaign by accusing HIRA of “fear mongering”. Abercrombie’s deputy chief of staff Blake Oshiro then went on and told one of the most blatant lies ever to the people of Hawaii. Here’s the video of Oshiro denying the mountain of evidence provided by HIRA that shows a parade of horrible social policies that have been harmful to families, businesses, churches, and children in states where same-sex marriage has been legalized:

While HIRA has been warning and educating the public about the harmful effects directly resulting from the normalizing and legalizing of homosexual marriage, Abercrombie has authorized his spokesman to deliberately and shamelessly mislead Hawaii residents about their existence and possibility of happening to Hawaii.
People deserve to know the truth about what’s actually happening in other states, just as we’ve documented on our website.
- Imagine being a church leader or a business owner with traditional values getting forced to support lesbian and gay weddings under threat of government fines, lawsuits, and other harassment.
- Imagine being parents who have zero choice in the matter about their children being indoctrinated from kindergarten through senior year of high school with pro-homosexual curriculum by transvestites, with no ability to ‘opt out’.
- Imagine your daughter or niece being forced to share their school showers, bathrooms and locker rooms with prepubescent and adolescent cross-dressing boys.
See our updated website for even more shocking details . . .

Breaking News: Take a close look HERE at what happened just one week ago in Colorado where parents were told by school officials that the rights of the ‘transgender’ teenage boy who dresses like a girl trumps the rights of the teenage girls whose bathroom the cross-dressing teen entered. Never mind the sexually harassing comments made by the transvestite toward the victimized girls.
HIRA has been working hard for months to systematically educate voters about these harmful policies. That's why it is so important that you help keep our campaign going. Tens of thousands are getting HIRA’s important wake-up call about the future of Hawaii should Abercrombie's radical social agenda be approved.
Won’t you please kokua today with a contribution or even an annual membership in HIRA? We need your help to reach as many constituents of state legislators as possible.
Thanks for keeping the faith in the cause of conservatism here in Hawaii. We have many, many important battles ahead on a range of issues. Right now, the special session of our legislature has just one item on the agenda. And it will change Hawaii forever. Please kokua!

President - Hawaii Republican Assembly
P.S. Here’s HIRA’s latest radio ad, which has been running on stations across the state. As the only political or non-political group which has been running ads against Abercrombie’s ‘anything goes’ social agenda, we’re pleased that the National Organization for Marriage and others will soon be joining us.

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