SOLEMN ASSEMBLY - This Sunday @ Capitol

In recognition of the truth found in the State of Hawaii's motto -- "The Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness" -- a Solemn Assembly is being organized by New Hope Christian Fellowship and promoted by defenders of traditional marriage across Oahu. Hopefully, your attendance at this Sunday's gathering will impress upon the undecided and uneducated politicians at the State Capitol that marriage should remain between one man and one woman for the good of society. Please be there!!
If you are concerned about the awful way that politicians are running our county and state governments, if you are at all worried about decisions these politicians will be making in the weeks and months ahead on the entire range of critical issues, then . . .

HIRA’s Tito Montes on Rick Hamada This Week
Listen below to this week's guest appearance by HIRA President Tito Montes
discussing issues ranging from the partial shutdown of the
Federal government to ObamaCare and much more with
KHVH News Radio 830's popular conservative morning talk radio host Rick Hamada.

Former GOP Lawmaker to Host Democrat Leadership
Former Republican legislator Karen Awana of West Oahu promises that “Lawmakers Listen”. Therefore, concerned citizens are strongly urged to attend her town hall meeting this coming Tuesday evening, October 8th, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Among those on hand to “listen” to what the people have to say are House Speaker Joe Souki, Vice Speaker John Mizuno, and an assortment of left-leaning chairs of various House committees. The location: Nanakuli High and Intermediate School Cafeteria. This would be a great chance to test their listening abilities by telling them boldly “No!” to homosexual “marriage”. See flyer for the question and answer session HERE.

Then Republican Karen Awana campaigns with Linda Lingle and Duke Aiona
on the Hawaii Republican Party's "Rolling to Victory" tour bus in 2004.
A Conservative vs. A Bunch of ACLU Liberals
Debate Homosexual “Marriage”
Next Wednesday, October 9th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. State Capitol Auditorium, Honolulu. The William S. Richardson School of Law presents a symposium: Marriage Equality and Religious Exemptions. Free admission. The panel discussion will describe the 'religious exemptions' in the proposed marriage equity bill and will discuss possible amendments (even though the House Speaker Joe Souki says that the bill cannot be amended during the special session). The panel includes Andrea Freeman, assistant professor of Law at the William S. Richardson School of Law; James Hochberg, attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom and president of Hawaii Family Advocates; and Lois Perrin, legal director of ACLU of Hawaii. The symposium will be moderated by Avi Soifer, Dean of the William S. Richardson School of Law, who was recently quoted in a Star-Advertiser article offering his conclusion that the so-called religious exemption in the draft homosexual ‘marriage’ bill is at least as strong as, if not stronger than, the one in the state’s civil unions law. With such a biased moderator who just happens to be chairman of the State’s task force which helped write the legislation he is so proud of, it sounds like Jim Hochberg could use some help from the audience. Please show up to give Jim support. For more info, click HERE . . . or HERE.
For a sneak preview, if you’re interested in a televised PBS debate on the issue which aired just five months ago, we’ve got the link right HERE. Hosted by liberal Democrat Dan Boylan, the debate included James Hochberg, Attorney and President of Hawaii Family Advocates; Steven Levinson, Retired State Supreme Court Justice; Glenn Stanton, Director of Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family; and Renea Stewart, homosexual ‘marriage’ advocate.
A ”Let the People Decide” (a.k.a. Anti-SSM) Rally at the State Capitol will be held on Monday, October 28th from 4pm to 7pm. This is the BIG ONE which is scheduled for the 1st day of the so-called 'special session' of the State Legislature. We need to show up en masse to put Karen Awana’s assertion to the test: Do Lawmakers Really Listen?
For more information, please click HERE.
. . . for a Surprise Announcement from HIRA on Monday.
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