Aloha. The Hawaii Republican Assembly is passing along warnings received from friends statewide to Republicans and conservatives in the Aloha State. You can help stop bad ideas from becoming law by taking action today.
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As an affiliated chapter of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies,
HIRA strives to be the conservative standardbearer of the Republican Party in Hawaii
and the leading advocate for conservative solutions in the islands.

State House Bill 411 (HB411) continues the attack on religious freedoms in Hawaii. While we fully support the compassionate care of rape victims, if this bill passes as written, many service providers who believe that administering emergency contraceptives will cause an abortion will be forced by law to violate their religious beliefs. We oppose this because the government should never force people to commit acts that are contrary to their morals and faith. At a minimum, the legislature must include a religious exemption to protect those whose beliefs cannot support this measure. A hearing is being held tomorrow. Please help influence these legislators right away.



Click HERE for even more information from Hawaii Reporter.

For too long, residents of our import-dependent island home have paid inflated prices for goods because of the Federally protected shipping monopoly in Hawaii and the bizarre rerouting of ships and containers required by the anti-consumer measure known as the Jones Act. The recent death of powerful Democrat Sen. Daniel Inouye has made it possible for Hawaii politicians here to find enough courage to pursue an exemption for Hawaii and its overpriced, overtaxed consumers. Our state legislature MUST request this exemption from Washington, D.C. by way of a resolution adopted by both houses. Please contact House Transportation Committee Chair Ryan Yamane today and respectfully request him to hear and support the resolutions – HCR150 / HR119 – as soon as possible to begin the process.

Click HERE for more information from Hawaii Reporter.

State Senate Bill 69 (SB69) passed in the House Judiciary Committee by a 3-1 vote last week and will be considered by the House Committee on Finance this Thursday, March 28 at 3:15 PM in House Conference Room 308.  Introduced by state senators Will Espero (D-19), Rosalyn Baker (D-6), Brickwood Galuteria (D-12) and Josh Green (D-3), SB 69 was originally a gun “buyback” bill, but has evolved into a mandatory background check bill on already acquired firearms. SB 69 presents no benefit to Hawaii and only creates the illusion of safety.  It does instead attack law-abiding citizens who are choosing to exercise the right to own a firearm.  Please click HERE to contact one or more of the sixteen members of the House Finance Committee TODAY in opposition to SB 69.
Click HERE for more information from Hawaii Reporter.

The views and opinions expressed here are those of
the members and friends of the Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA)
who have contributed these warnings about pending legislation.

Please forward this Red Alertl to friends and family here in the islands.
Fighting liberal Democrat policies in Hawaii requires strength in numbers.

Hawaii Republican Assembly | P.O. Box 2805 | Honolulu, HI 96803