PERJURY ALERT - Tupola FAKES Her Own Stalking to Obtain Fraudulent TRO Hearing!
Hey Republicans, are you ready for a lying governor who also hallucinates like crazy? It turns out that Andria Tupola made it all up. See how Tupola completely faked a stalking incident to dupe a state judge into scheduling a TRO hearing against HIRA’s president Eric Ryan. She’s not a 'damsel in distress' needing protection. Instead, Tupola is in fear that the truth about her liberal voting record will destroy her “name recognition building” campaign for Governor in 2018 and her “real campaign” in 2020 to replace Kym Pine on the City Council.

Watch HIRA’s new video above and learn the shocking story of a crooked candidate for Hawaii governor in 2018 who risks going to prison for felony perjury by repeatedly lying to judges and police about being stalked.

To this day, Tupola stands by her lies and fake stalking charges and her infamous criminal defense attorney, Democrat Michael Green, might also be in trouble if he knowingly lets her continue lying to authorities. One thing’s for sure: Andria Tupola has no business holding elective office. Auwe!!

Stay Tuned for more info on this story, as well as shocking information that the Hawaii GOP did NOT share with convention delegates or party members. [Long story short, state party leaders know that 2018 will be a disaster and are already working to keep power so they can screw up 2020 as well.] Plus, HIRA has exciting breaking news from the U.S. Trademark Office on our logo and our Republican name. Stay tuned!! |