. . . And the 'business' we are in at the Hawaii Republican Assembly is providing Hawaii's conservatives and real Republicans with a place to call their own, a voice which is actually heard, and a real shot at changing the political landscape in the islands. The Aloha State is at a crossroads. Our party is at a crossroads. And HIRA is organizing conservatives to help Hawaii make the needed right turn. By upholding our values, holding politicians accountable, and by holding our party accountable, HIRA is taking steps to ensure that our state and our country come to reflect our conservative principles.
As you may have read in HawaiiReporter.com, HIRA formally organized this past Saturday; adopting officers and by-laws for the organization were key items for the meeting. HIRA will participate in political activities while preparing for our first state convention next year. Setting the tone for increased conservative political action was the goal. new officers were unanimously elected at the organizing meeting of the Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA). Incoming president Tito Montes, who has leading the rebirth of the HIRA organization for the past three months, declared that HIRA is never going away again.
Referring to Hawaii's Democratic Party, Tito Montes said: "With a single party so dominant in the islands for more than five decades, we're here to make sure that conservative Republican reforms and solutions come to be understood and ultimately demanded by a majority of Hawaii voters from the Big Island to Kauai." "We will partner with conservatives and all organizations that have similar values." |
All HIRA officers and many of the conservative organization's members are past or present leaders in the Hawaii Republican Party, as well as past Republican candidates for office and political activists on a range of local, state and national issues.
Newly elected HIRA vice president and Kapolei businesswoman Marissa Capelouto explained that HIRA's mission is to keep elected officials honest, all elected officials including Republican officeholders. Capelouto: "The Democrats have already had their chance to be in the majority and they've blown it."
The Hawaii State Senate's lone Republican, East Honolulu Senator Sam Slom, delivered the keynote address (pictured below) in which Slom provided highlights and lowlights of the just-completed session of the State Legislature, as well as insights about the future of the Republican Party in Hawaii.

In addition, former Windward state representative Colleen Meyer provided the perspective of a longtime legislator concerning the rise and fall of Hawaii's elected Republicans, which are just one-third of the number of GOP legislators of only ten years ago.
The full roster of officers, elected to two-year terms, is listed here:
*** President Tito Montes
*** National Director Willes K.Lee
*** National Director Colleen Meyer
*** 1st Vice President Marissa Capelouto
*** 2nd Vice President Carol White
*** Treasurer Mike Palcic
*** Secretary Brett Kulbis
In addition to elections and other HIRA business, members passed a resolution condemning President Obama for failures including the recent government scandals.
The Republican Assembly was founded in 1932 in California, gaining prominence under Ronald Reagan in 1964. The Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA) was originally founded in 2009. All HIRA members are card-carrying members of the Hawaii Republican Party. For more information, please visit the HIRA and NFRA websites.

If you haven’t seen HIRA’s newest 90-second video about what wrong the fiscally irresponsible state budget just adopted at the legislature earlier this month, you don’t know what you’re missing. Please take a look, share it with friends, and give us your feedback at info@hawaiirepublicanassembly.com.

Calling all Hawaii conservatives. Please mark your calendars and save the date -- Friday July 19th-- to see and hear national conservative talk radio superstar Rusty Humprhies live and in person at the Waialae Country Club.
Tickets will be going on sale very soon for HIRA's Exclusive Presentation of Rusty Humphries, whose massively popular syndicated show is heard weekdays on KIKI AM-990 during afternoon drive time from 4pm to 7pm..

"Red Meat" will be on the menu. The biggest names in politics line up to speak to Rusty each day on his top rated conservative talk show as Rusty tackles all the big issues. In recent weeks, Rusty has discussed Obamacare, IRS-gate, Reporter-gate, Bengazi-gate and more with presidential candidates, senators, congressmen, conservative VIP's and celebrities such as Ann Coulter, John Bolton, Grover Norquist, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Marco Rubio, Karl Rove, Rick Santelli, Michelle Malkin, and more. Rusty broke news recently when he got Harry Reid, the Democrat majority leader in the U.S. Senate, to admit that Obamacare could easily become a "train wreck".
By popular demand, HIRA's Rusty Humphries event has been moved from evening to mid-day on Friday, July 21st. Stay tuned for more details and ticket information. Make plans to meet and mingle with fellow Hawaii's conservatives and hear from one of the nation's best known conservative voices about what's happened to America since Obama took office and what lies ahead for our nation.
If you haven't experienced Rusty in person, here are a couple of great video clips of Rusty in action . . . CLIP ONE . . . CLIP TWO.
Tickets will be diiscounted for HIRA members – so Join Today!
In the meantime, if you like what HIRA is doing and where we’re headed, please consider joining and/or donating to the Hawaii Republican Assembly. The two best descriptions of HIRA in recent months are “conservative” and “active”, which we defintely are. With your help, we’ll get things done in Hawaii that conservatives have been rightly clamoring for.
Mahalo for your support of HIRA and for keeping conservative aspirations alive.