On May 25, 2013, HIRA formalized its organization, elected officers, adopted by-laws and unanimously passed a resolution condemning the actions of President Obama for his many failures including the recent government scandals.
The Republican Assembly was founded in 1932 in California, gaining prominence under Ronald Reagan in 1964. We are a grassroots movement to take back the Hawai'i Republican Party for the vast and disenfranchised majority of its members: Reagan conservatives, who believe in smaller government, lower taxes, free market capitalism, a strong defense, the right to life, and more liberty in Hawai'i.
Incoming president Tito Montes, a past Republican State Senate candidate declared that: "HIRA exists to advance conservative Republican reforms and solutions so that they are understood and demanded by a majority of Hawai'i citizens and voters. We are working to elect conservative Republicans to positions of responsibility throughout the state." |
HIRA officers and many of the conservative organization's members are past or present leaders in the Hawai'i Republican Party, as well as past Republican candidates for office and political activists spanning a range of local, state and national issues.

The full roster of officers, elected to two-year terms, is listed here:
*** President Tito Montes
*** National Director Willes K.Lee
*** National Director Colleen Meyer
*** 1st Vice President Marissa Capelouto
*** 2nd Vice President Carol White
*** Treasurer Michael G. Palcic
*** Secretary Brett Kulbis
Learn more about the local and national efforts through the HIRA and NFRA websites.

If you believe in conservative principles and the conservative reforms needed to make Hawai'i flourish, then investing in the HIRA is the best commitment you can make. Whether you become a member, a donor or an active participant and advocate, you become part of a growing movement of conservative Republicans who understand the importance of reversing our state's downward trend.
When you join:
- You become part of a unique group of like minded individuals interested in bringing conservative values and principles back to the Hawai'i Republican Party and our government.
- We arm you with clear information and analysis on how Democrat, progressive and moderate Republican policies have been hurting our state. Here is an example of our analysis and how we communicate it:
- You automatically become a member and affiliated with the National Federation of Republican Assemblies a partisan conservative organization. This is something non-partisan think tanks cannot be.
- We help you to know who the conservative candidates are. We are unafraid, and we will ask the hard questions so we can help you and voters across the state choose only true conservatives who will fight for real Republican values. The field of political candidates (and what they stand for) changes very frequently. Not every Republican candidate represents the vast conservative majority in our Party.
- You share our unique position to hold both our party and elected officials accountable. We perform honest assessments without spin. This means you get policy and issue analysis that is relatable and easy to understand. You will know if the public is being well served by its political entities.
- You will have an opportunity to communicate our message to individuals and small groups, through all available means of media. We are proud of our principles, and we believe that through clear and concise messaging, we will be able to revitalize the Republican image. As a member, you become a leader in helping spread the Republican message.
- You get advanced notice of upcoming HIRA events, with the opportunity to help plan, market, carry out and evaluate these enterprises.
Please join this necessary and worth-while effort. Your skills, energies and enthusiasm would add immeasurably to our effort of ensuring freedom in our islands.

Calling all Hawaii conservatives. Please mark your calendars and save the date -- Friday July 19th-- to see and hear national conservative talk radio superstar Rusty Humprhies live and in person at the Waialae Country Club.
Tickets will be going on sale very soon for HIRA's Exclusive Presentation of Rusty Humphries, whose massively popular syndicated show is heard weekdays on KIKI AM-990 during afternoon drive time from 4pm to 7pm..