Aloha Fellow Republicans and Conservatives:

Abercrombie and his "ministry of justice" made the rounds with Democrat and Republican legislators yesterday in order to go through the motions of appearing to consult with these politicians about what their constituents want . . . even though Abercrombie made his mind up about pushing for homosexual 'marriage' many years ago.
In fact, it is believed that Abercrombie and his allies are purposefully waiting until Monday to announce the special session of the legislature because they want to let the silent majority of Hawaii stay in the dark by not tipping off pastors, priests and churchgoers about their destructive plans before tomorrow's church services; where word might otherwise spread (and plans might be made to mobilize congregations) to counter the radical agenda of homosexuals, bisexuals and polygamists. (See today's Star-Advertiser article "Very shortly" HERE)
Now, here's the scary part. The Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA) has been warning and warning the people of Hawaii about how changing the definition of marriage will open the floodgates to bisexual marriage. WELL, I hope you're sitting down for this. During Abercrombie's "private caucuses" yesterday with politicians at the State Capitol, the governor was directly asked about how his fast-tracked legislation for homosexual 'marriage' will basically open the door for bisexuals et al. Abercrombie very matter-of-factly predicted (or simply knows) that there will be a lawsuit filed by bisexuals against the State of Hawaii in a year or less so that a man can marry either two women or a man and a woman SIMULTANEOUSLY. If you want confirmation of this exchange, you can call Republican Rep. Bob McDermott's office at 586-9730. Rep. McDermott is the one who asked the governor about the implications for bisexual marriage if Abercrombie's homosexual 'marriage' bill gets to become law.
Now, Abercrombie doesn't care about this, but the members of our State House are up for election every two years. These politicians are counting on the good people of Hawaii remaining on the sidelines, unprepared to fight back in time for a special session of the legislature.
If we remain silent now, it will be too late to turn back the clock and teams of trial lawyers and radical activists will be set loose on everything that is still sacred in Hawaii.
Call your legislator and the Governor NOW and tell them you're tired of moving the goalposts so that special interest groups can keep scoring at our expense. Tell him or her that enough is enough. Civil unions is where this MUST STOP. No special sessions. No homosexual 'marriage'.
If you're already putting needed pressure on legislators; thank you for keeping up the fight. If you haven't yet joined the fight, HAWAII NEEDS YOU TODAY.
This situation is NOT hopeless. That's why the Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA) is leading and fighting alongside you each and every day.
Help the Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA) continue the fight for conservative solutions (including the defense of traditional marriage) with a donation today of $5, $10, or $25. We've helped stop the special legislative session, for now. With your help, we can succeed in the face of powerful forces.
Please visit our website to learn more about how you can help HIRA to help Hawaii. Please take action and also consider supporting the Hawaii Republican Assembly in this fight by becoming a member or making a donation. To learn more, please visit HIRA's website: www.HawaiiRepublicanAssembly.com. Thanks for being involved.

President - Hawaii Republican Assembly