Aloha Conservative:
Please make plans to join the Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA) at our free "HIRA Road Show" NEXT FRIDAY in Kahala. This is a 'must attend' event for Election Year 2014. A LOT of information will be presented for the benefit of voters, taxpayers, candidates and activists alike -- including HIRA's new 2014 Legislative Scorecard of all 76 members of the State House and State Senate. Plus we'll have an update on the politics and policy implications for our keiki and families resulting from the controversial "Pono Choices" curriculum pushed by liberals.
Republican leaders of HIRA will be laying out the problems created and exacerbated by Hawaii's political establishment, followed by a clear explanation of why decades of poor leadership by Democrats has not been met with strong opposition. After that, the HIRA team will discuss the various paths to political victory.
Jam packed with info, the HIRA Road Show covers "The Good, Bad, and the Ugly" of Hawaii politics, the "Misery Index" as calculated from dozens of leading indicators about Hawaii's residents, businesses, and economy, plus the "Real State of Hawaii" which tells a story which Democrats would NOT want you or anyone to hear.
If for no other reason, then come to find out how badly you're being ripped off and how poorly Democrats are governing our state.
More information is below.
Please click HERE for a map to the event location (Kahala Elementary School) . . .
. . . and click HERE for the official flyer for the HIRA Road Show in Kahala.
We really hope you can join us Friday @ 7pm for this important (and free) event.

President - Hawai'i Republican Assembly
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