The decision on DOMA by the Supreme Court is a very disappointing one. As President of the Hawaii Republican Assembly, I am a proud defender of the American family. I know that the traditional American family, consisting of persons related by blood or adoption through the marriage of one man and one woman, is the cornerstone of our American society. However, Hawaii politicians feel differently. Democrats led by Willie Espero are pushing for a special session to legalize same-sex "marriage" in Hawaii. Click HERE to see this news story.
So while liberals celebrate this activist decision by the Supreme Court and begin to plan for the perverting of our American culture, we must be aware and communicate the terrible effects that will occur by justifying and legitimizing this type of lifestyle. According to the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. some of the effects are:
IMMEDIATE EFFECTSTaxpayers, consumers, and businesses would be forced to subsidize homosexual relationships. If same-sex marriage were legalized, all employers, public and private, large or small, would be required to offer spousal benefits to homosexual couples. You, as a taxpayer, consumer, or small business owner, would be forced to bear the expense of subsidizing homosexual relationships-including their higher health care costs.
Schools would teach that homosexual relationships are identical to heterosexual ones. A lesbian who teaches 8th grade sex education in Massachusetts told NPR that she teaches her children how lesbians use "a sex toy" to have intercourse. If anyone objects, she says, "Give me a break. It's legal now." One father was jailed after protesting because his son-a kindergarten student-was given a book about same-sex couples.
Freedom of conscience and religious liberty would be threatened. Churches and non-profit organizations could be stripped of their tax exemptions and religious psychologists, social workers, and marriage counselors could be denied licensing if they "discriminate" against homosexuals. Individual believers who disapprove of homosexual relationships may face a choice at work between forfeiting their freedom of speech and being fired.
LONG-TERM EFFECTSFewer people would marry. In Massachusetts, where same-sex "marriages" began in May 2004, only 52% of same-sex couples who live together had even bothered to "marry" by the end of 2006. Among opposite-sex couples, the comparable figure is 91%. In the Netherlands, the figures are even lower, with only 12% of homosexual couples having entered legal civil "marriages." Giving the option of same-sex "marriage" would tell society that marriage in general is "optional," not normative, and fewer people would marry.
Fewer people would remain monogamous and sexually faithful. Among homosexual men, sex with multiple partners is tolerated and often expected. One study in the Netherlands showed that homosexual men with a steady partner had an average of eight sexual partners per year. If these behaviors are incorporated into what society affirms as "marriage," then fidelity among heterosexuals would likely decline as well.
Fewer people would remain married for a lifetime. Even a homosexual psychologist has acknowledged that "gay and lesbian couples dissolve their relationships more frequently than heterosexual couples." The same Dutch study that showed the high rate of homosexual promiscuity also showed that the average homosexual male "partnership" lasts only 1.5 years. As the transience of homosexual relationships is incorporated in society's image of "marriage," we can expect that fewer heterosexuals would maintain a lifelong commitment.
Fewer children would be raised by a married mother and father. Social science has clearly proven clearly that children do best when raised by their own married biological mother and father. Yet legalizing same-sex "marriage" would put an official stamp of approval on the deliberate creation of permanently motherless or fatherless families. As scholar Stanley Kurtz says, this "would likely speed us on the way toward
. . . more frequent out-of-wedlock birth, and skyrocketing family dissolution."
More children would grow up fatherless. Most children who live with only one biological parent will live with their mothers, and lesbian couples are more likely to be raising children than homosexual male couples. Therefore, with same-sex "marriage," more children would suffer the specific negative consequences of fatherlessness, which include higher rates of youth incarceration among males and adolescent pregnancy among females. Research also shows negative outcomes for the children of sperm donors, who are used by some lesbian couples.
Birth rates would fall. Same-sex "marriage" would eliminate the incentive for procreation that is implicit in defining marriage as a male-female union. There is already evidence of at least a correlation between same-sex "marriage" and low birth and fertility rates, both in the U.S. and abroad. While some people still harbor outdated fears about "over-population," demographers now understand that declining birth rates harm society.
Demands for legalization of polygamy would grow. If a person's choice of spouse cannot be limited based on the sex of one's partner, it is hard to see how it could be limited based on the number of spouses either. This argument is already being pressed in the courts.
As you can see, the effects will be dire. Therefore, the Hawaii Republican Assembly will continue to strongly defend traditional marriage regardless of this court ruling. But we MUST act now. Contact your senator and representative immediately.
Mahalo for your support in the continued fight.

President - Hawaii Republican Assembly
P.S. Our friends at Hawaii's Christian Coalition have just published their own call to action HERE.

Calling all Hawaii conservatives. You are cordially invited to the conservative event of the year in the islands. Tickets are on sale NOW for HIRA's exclusive presentation of national conservative talk radio superstar Rusty Humphries at the Waialae Country Club on July 19th (Friday) from 11:30am to 2pm.

Come meet and mingle and lunch with fellow Hawaii's conservatives and patriots. Then hear from one of the nation's best known conservative voices, live and in person, about what's happened to America since Obama took office and what lies ahead for our nation. Specifically, the topic of Rusty's talk on July 19th will be "Why Conservatism Matters".
Ralph Edward "Rusty" Humphries is an American radio host, conservative political commentator, and political parody songwriter. Humphries' nationally-syndicated radio show, The Rusty Humphries Show airs on over 250 stations through the Talk Radio Network.

Mahalo for your support of HIRA and for keeping conservative aspirations alive. If you like what HIRA has been doing to advance the conservative cause in Hawaii and if you like where HIRA is headed, please consider joining and/or donating to the Hawaii Republican Assembly. The best descriptions of HIRA in recent months have been “conservative” and “active” and "serious about changing Hawaii", which we definitely are and always will be. With your help, we’ll get things done in Hawaii that conservatives have been rightly clamoring for. So join us today and change Hawaii tomorrow.