When was the last time Federal investigators and prosecutors looked into Hawaii political affairs? You’d have to go back to the days of Danny Kihano, the infamous former speaker of the state house, to find a serious criminal case being made against a well-connected Democrat.
That was back in the 1990’s.
Now Federal investigators are coming back to Hawaii thanks to HIRA member Sam Slom who regularly uses his position in the state senate to focus on waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement . . . such as the blowing of hundreds of millions of federal dollars by our state government in creating the wasteful Obamacare exchange which will now hang as an albatross around the necks of taxpayers for years and decades to come.
Three cheers for Senator Slom for being willing to rock the boat! We are grateful that there are gutsy Republicans like Slom and Rep. Bob McDermott (courageously fighting Pono Choices) who are willing to confront Democrats head-on. Just imagine what Republicans could accomplish with more guts, more conservative principles, and no vacuous belief that you have to be like “Ds” and not offend anyone to win.
Hawaii Dems are not the only Democrats in the country practicing corruption, malfeasance, mismanagement, and flat-out illegal activities on a daily basis. With the local liberal media in sycophantic lock-step with Hawaii Dems, clearly they are NOT being held accountable in a way which even remotely resembles the mainland, where real, aggressive law enforcement is taking place and Democrats are being brought to justice.
RNC communications director Sean Spicer assembled quite a list of Democrats’ who recently have been inducted into the political-criminal hall of shame; embarrassing stories which the liberal news media are studiously ignoring.
Keep in mind, all of these stories took place during a snapshot of a few weeks in March 2014:
Charlotte’s Democratic mayor Patrick Cannon was arrested on federal public corruption laws;
- In California, Democrat State Sen. Leland Yee was arrested on corruption charges;
- Pennsylvania Democrat State Sen. Leanna Washington is headed to trial for using taxpayer resources for political purposes;
- Illinois State Representative Keith Farnham (D) had his home and office raided by federal agents. According to the federal search warrant, agents were seeking documents “Pertaining to the possession, receipt or distribution of child pornography.”
In Rhode Island House Speaker Gordon Fox (D)is in big trouble... Federal And State Officials Raided His Office And Home. One Day After The Raid, Fox Resigned As Speaker.
- In Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane (D) Received “Barbed Criticism” From Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams (D) For Shutting Down A String Operation That Caught Five Democrats “Accepting Money Or Gifts."
In Arkansas Democrat Former Treasurer Martha Shoffner Was Convicted Of Federal Bribery And Extortion Charges For Accepting $36,000 From A Bond Trader In Exchange For State Business.
- In California, Democrats lost their supermajority in the State Senate after two senators in legal trouble took indefinite leaves of absence. Senate Democrats voted down a GOP resolution to expel state Sen. Roderick Wright (D), who was convicted Jan. 28 of eight felony counts of voter fraud and perjury. Wright was first indicted in 2010 on charges that he lied on his voter registration form and candidate filings and committed voter fraud in five elections.
State Sen. Ronald Calderon (D), who has been indicted on federal corruption charges for allegedly accepting almost $100,000 in bribes, meals and golf outings — including $88,000 in bribes from an undercover FBI agent — began a leave of absence last week to fight the charges.”
For the full mind-blowing list of Democrats in deep trouble with the law, read the link below:
Now back to Hawaii . . .
Since power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, Abercrombie will have to explain how the people under his power, of all things, spent $74 million dollars on a website that DOES NOT WORK.
Cleaning up the doubtless corruption across our state at every level of government is a pipe dream until conservative Republicans are elected to office to provide the checks and balances we all read about in civics class . . . a form of accountability they are obviously practicing on the mainland and a level of scrutiny which the people of Hawaii are being systematically denied.
Our next issue will list HIRA candidates running for office in 2014. Please consider joining or donating to HIRA in order to support these conservative, strong candidates, and ask our weak, voiceless Rs to find new work.

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