Aloha Conservatives:
Liberals and closet Democrats have hijacked Hawaii's Republican Party (HRP). It's a sad, yet highly documented fact. And they are doing everything to retain power, including using party funds and party resources to scheme their way to preventing actual conservatives (a.k.a. real Republicans) from taking charge of and setting the direction for HRP.
All the time and money spent by party leaders -- funds raised from people like YOU -- on desperately manipulating caucuses, conventions, and party committees is why Republicans keep losing yet the same people keep running the party, decade after decade.
But smart people statewide have figured this out for themselves. And THAT is why sales for HRP’s annual Lincoln Day Dinner fundraiser are LOW and why the RINO’s are struggling to keep the doors open at the expensive office space where Hawaii’s GOP party headquarters is currently located.
<--- To the left, HIRA has included some useful information about the ‘keynote speaker’ that the RINO’s want you to accept as an ideal Republican for the Lincoln Day Dinner, notwithstanding his repeated support for Democrat policies and Obama legislation. Party Committeewoman Miriam Hellreich promises that “our speaker will be U.S. Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, a rising star in the U.S. Senate Republican Majority”. Hmm, a “rising star”. Simply review his positions on key issues. Judge for yourself if he’s a real Republican or a phony Republican.
Did you know that the faux Republicans who control the Hawaii Republican Party only break even each year with that lavish annual fundraiser? BREAK EVEN!! For example, they spent too much on the Lincoln Day Dinner in 2014 and blew through all the proceeds (your contributions) by the time that dinner-related bills were paid. How’s that for fiscally-conservative?
Sure, they are going through the motions this year; pretending that $$ raised will actually help get Republicans elected, when it only puts money into the hands of party leaders rather than into Republican advertising and communications strategies which reach the people of Hawaii. Instead, they turn around and abuse these funds (and your trust) desperately clinging to power.
2014 is the election year when it was plain for all to see. Candidates across the state went down in flames while self-dealing consultants took your donated money for themselves and liberal party insiders prevented the party from doing all it could to frame the debate with Democrats.
Since the 2014 election debacle and the 2015 party switch by top Republican Aaron “Ling” Johanson, its obvious Pat Saiki and her minions are losing grip on the party they’ve strangled and held hostage for decades. The do-nothing, neutral-on-issues (which really means liberal) Republicans-In-Name-Only who have overseen HRP have set their sights on YOUR MONEY as their last resort for keeping power.
Until HRP policies and advocacy stop being the same as Democrats and until the corruption and waste are ended, your time, your money, and your effort will be wasted. Based on the terrible results and the mess made by Saiki and Hellreich and their minions, you might as well be helping the Democrats. In fact, by Election Day 2014, the liberal-run HRP refused to help its own candidates on the ballot, choosing instead to park the remaining $75,000 in the campaign account while Democrat incumbents held off underfunded Republican challengers.
We’ve all seen how the Hellreich/Saiki gang has run HRP into the ground. We’ve seen how they’re doing absolutely NOTHING to organize Hawaii’s taxpayers into fighting the wrongheaded schemes at the legislature and at city hall.
Let’s RESCUE our party in Hawaii. They will hang onto power, misuse your precious financial donations, abuse their power, and ultimately keep Republicans from changing Hawaii for the better if they have any support. So consider denying them any and all support NOW by not writing any more checks to these RINO’s.
Starve Party Leaders = Obtain Regime Change = Replace Liberals with Conservatives.
If you worry about our party in Hawaii, now is the time to act . . . by NOT propping up the liberals who control HRP.
And if you’re upset about the content of this message, remember that HIRA warned you repeatedly of their empty rhetoric and promises to have amazing and persuasive communications with voters, to identify and register voters, and to have a monumental get-out-the-vote campaign. They didn’t. THEY NEVER DO!!
UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: Consider NOT wasting your money or time with Lincoln Dinner, phony conventions, and solicitations from make-believe Republican leadership. The party has been hijacked by liberals who take your support for granted, abuse your donations, and misuse the GOP brand to push Democrat policies. Wait until the party is run by conservatives who actually disagree with 60 years of failed Democrat rule in Hawaii and are willing to fight to unseat these liberals 24/7/365. The revolution in Hawaii will not be led by RINO's. They are just wasting our time and money.
Let’s starve out the RINO’s. And let’s change Hawaii in our lifetime with a serious and conservative Republican Party. The era of phony Republicanism in the islands has to end NOW. With your help, it will !!

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