Ladies and Gentlemen, participating in politics is all about making personal investments. Whether your investment is in time, talent, or treasure, you want to make sure that the resources you place at risk will give you some appreciable Return on Investment (ROI). Most people who judiciously self-ration their resources look for the best information possible to help them to decide where to make their investments.
Well, you will not hear the following serious information from the state or county party organizations controlled by Miriam Hellreich and Pat Saiki . . .
First, the Hawaii Republican Party’s (HRP) official financial reports to the Federal Election Commission and the State Campaign Spending commission clearly indicate that the Republican National Committee (RNC) has soured on the politically flailing and financially troubled HRP. As a result, the RNC is no longer picking up the tab for our party’s executive director Kayla Berube. HRP donors will have to fund that position at the expense of other party operations. Instead, the RNC subsidy is restricted to paying the salary of HRP’s other paid staffer, Blake Parsons.
Second, at the last state committee meeting, state committee members and interested observers were shocked (but not surprised) to learn that HRP is in the red again financially, despite misleading assertions by “leadership” that the party had rebounded from the major financial crisis wrought by Dylan Nonaka and other “Lingle-ites” in 2009-2010.
According to party filings, in March 2014, HRP’s income was $10,345 (including that above-referenced subsidy of nearly $4,000 from RNC) while disbursements were $24,235 – a deficit of nearly $14,000 in just one month (in keeping with HRP’s deficit-spending pattern for 10 of the last 15 months). As our national director Willes Lee observed, with nearly $20,000 in debt owed by HRP to various debtors, “Hawaii’s party of fiscal responsibility has been in debt for 42 consecutive months now.”
Then, not surprisingly, Executive Director Kayla Berube and Saiki quickly announced that HRP's focus in 2014 is simply to raise enough money to ‘keep the lights on and the doors open’, not recruiting, not electioneering, not voter id or voter registration.
Can you see why RNC is deciding not to waste money on the sinking HRP?
This means that the brave Republican candidates running across the isles in 2014 should expect zero help from the beleaguered and dysfunctional leadership of the state GOP; leadership which:
- has run the party into the ground financially and operationally;
- fails to message;
- fails to educate voters;
- fails to have a platform;
- fails to confront and challenge the hijacked narrative of the Democrats
- . . . and dare we say, appears ashamed to champion any conservative principles although conservatism forms the roots of Republican values, positions, and identity.
In 2014, THE TIME HAS COME to shift our precious political investments from feckless self-absorption to ACTION. You can do this by directly supporting the Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA) and conservative candidates who are courageously running for office.
Check out the websites of these top-flight candidates who are also HIRA members who need your help in 2014 and beyond. If you have lost faith in party leadership, please do not lose faith in these tough candidates -- Donate the maximum amount you can afford:
Marissa Capelouto
Colleen Meyer
Bob McDermott
Janet Grace
Joan Hood
Julia Allen
The Hawaii Republican Assembly’s ultimate goal is to turn the lights off and close the doors at Democrat Party headquarters by creating a conservative Republican majority at every level of government in the islands. Success in that regard will go a long way to reviving the Republican Party in Hawaii, whose donors have been given innumerable reasons to lose confidence and shift their resources elsewhere.
Now there are more reasons than ever to move your support from the liberal HRP leadership and fringe non-partisan groups to the conservative HIRA. Join the fight today by purchasing a membership in HIRA and by making a donation to HIRA’s field of top shelf, conservative Republican candidates.