As an affiliated chapter of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies,
HIRA strives to be the conservative standardbearer of the Republican Party in Hawaii
and the leading advocate for conservative solutions in the islands.

The Abortion Cover-up and What the Left Knows But Doesn't Want You to Know

The Unalienable Right to Life is one of the uncompromising bedrock principles of the Hawaii Republican Assembly. Therefore, we want to raise awareness on a grievous situation that is not being covered by the mainstream media: The murder trial of Kermit Gosnell.

Please see these linked stories:

This media cover-up is blatant and solely for the purpose of hiding from the public yet another horror brought onto society by abortion.

The most helpless members of our society must be protected, and we must strengthen our knowledge to fight against the flawed logic and immoral reasoning of organizations such as Planned Parenthood and NARAL so tragedies like the Gosnell case can one day come to an end.

Ultimately, we know that abortion is against God's commandments, yet, along with divine guidance, we also have sound evidence that abortion is, as Mother Teresa said, "The greatest destroyer of peace today," and the Left knows it.

While we at HIRA strive to make our communications brief, we feel that the following information is too important to truncate or paraphrase.

Here are 11 points of evidence from John Piper that disprove the Left's selfish, hypocritical, and relativistic reasoning, and will help convince people that abortion is nothing less than killing children (a link to John Piper's full text is below):

1. Anecdotally, abortionists will admit they are killing children.
Many simply say it is the lesser of two evils. I took an abortionist out to lunch once, prepared to give him ten reasons why the unborn are human beings. He stopped me, and said, "I know that. We are killing children." I was stunned. He said, "It's simply a matter of justice for women. It would be a greater evil to deny women the equal right of reproductive freedom." Which means women should be no more encumbered by the consequences of an unplanned pregnancy than men. That equal freedom from the burden of bearing unwanted children is the basis for abortion that President Obama refers to again and again when he talks about equal rights for women. We know we are killing children.

2. States treat the killing of the unborn as a homicide.
We know what we are doing because 38 States (including Minnesota) treat the killing of an unborn child as a form of homicide. They have what are called "fetal homicide laws."
It is illegal to take the life of the unborn if the mother wants the baby, but it is legal to take the life of the unborn if she doesn't. In the first case the law treats the fetus as a human with rights; in the second case the law treats the fetus as non-human with no rights. Humanness is defined by the desire of the strong. Might makes right. We reject this right to define personhood in the case of Nazi anti-Semitism, Confederate race-based slavery, and Soviet Gulags. When we define the humanness of the unborn by the will of the powerful we know what we are doing

3. Fetal surgery treats the unborn as children and patients.
High risk pregnancy specialist, Dr. Steve Calvin, in a letter some years ago to the Arizona Daily Star, wrote, "There is inescapable schizophrenia in aborting a perfectly normal 22 week fetus while at the same hospital, performing intra-uterine surgery on its cousin." When the unborn are wanted, they are treated as children and patients. When they are not wanted, they are not children. We know what we are doing.

4. Being small does not disqualify personhood.
The five-foot-eight frame of a teenage son guarantees him no more right to life than the 23-inch frame of his little sister in her mother's arms. Size is morally irrelevant. One inch, 23 inches, 68 inches — does not matter. It is morally irrelevant in deciding who should be protected. We know what we are doing in killing the smallest.

5. Not having developed reasoning does not disqualify personhood.
A one-month-old infant, nursing at his mother's breast, does not have reasoning powers. But only a few dare argue that infanticide is therefore acceptable. Most know better. Outside and inside the womb the infant cannot yet reason, but is a human person. We know what we are doing.

6. Being in the womb does not disqualify human personhood.
Location or environment does not determine a right to life. Scott Klusendorf asks, "How does a simple journey of seven inches down the birth canal suddenly transform the essential nature of the fetus from non-person to person?" We know what we are doing.

7. Being dependent on mommy does not disqualify personhood.
We consider persons on respirators or dialysis to be human beings. The unborn cannot be disqualified from human personhood because they are dependent on their mother for food and oxygen. In fact, we operate on the exact opposite principle: The more dependent a little one is on us, the more responsibility we feel to protect him, not the less. We know what we are doing.

(Those last four observations, #4-7, were summed up by Scott Klusendorf under the acronym SLED: Size, Level of development, Environment, Degree of dependence — none is morally relevant for the definition of human life.)

8. The genetic make up of humans is unique.
The genetic make up of a human is different from all other creatures from the moment of conception. The human code is complete and unique from the start. Once that was not known. Now we know.

9. All the organs are present at eight weeks of gestation.
At eight weeks of gestation all the organs are present. The brain is functioning, the heart pumping, the liver making blood cells, the kidney cleaning the fluids, the finger has a print. Yet almost all abortions happen later than this date. We know what we are doing.

10. We have seen the photographs.
The marvel of ultrasound has given a stunning window into the womb that shows the unborn, for example, at 8 weeks sucking his thumb, recoiling from pricking, responding to sound. Watch this four-minute video of the developing unborn child. We know that they are children.

11. When two rights conflict, the higher value should be protected.
We know the principle of justice that when two legitimate rights conflict, the right that protects the higher value should prevail. We deny the right to drive at 100 miles per hour because the value of life is greater than the value of being on time or getting thrills. The right of the unborn not to be killed and the right of a woman not to be pregnant may be at odds. But they are not equal rights. Staying alive is more precious and more basic than not being pregnant. We know what we are doing when we kill a child.


The views and opinions expressed here are those of
the Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA)
which provides this conservative viewpoint for your consideration.

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Fighting liberal Democrat policies in Hawaii requires strength in numbers.

Hawaii Republican Assembly | P.O. Box 2805 | Honolulu, HI 96803