Aloha Friends and Neighbors:
There are two urgent meetings this week concerning the Democrat's so called "Pono Choices" program which targets public school eleven-year-olds with its age-inappropriate, medically inaccurate and downright dangerous curriculum.
The first meeting provides what might be the one and only opportunity so far for the public to provide testimony to the State's Board of Education (BOE) about the highly controversial sex ed program which State Representative Bob McDermott has outlined HERE in a report entitled: "The Pono Choices Curriculum: Sexualizing the Innocent."
Please look over Rep. McDermott's report and email your testimony by 1:30pm Monday the 3rd (today) to: boe_hawaii@notes.k12.hi.us
The format of your e-mailed testimony should contain your name and contact information, the date of the meeting (2/4/14), and the part of the agenda you are testifying about ("Student Health and Safety Comments").
Tuesday the 4th @ 1:30 p.m., please show up at the BOE's meeting tomorrow which will be held at the Department of Education building. Testifiers who sent in testimony by today's deadline will be allowed two minutes to speak tomorrow. Please, we need your voices to be heard!

The Hawaii Republican Assembly has been at the forefront of educating the public about the terrible new sexual education program that Hawaii's 11-year-olds are automatically 'opted-in' for: Pono Choices. Recently, HIRA's investigative team uncovered enough details about the offensive and age-inappropriate material to validate the program's well-deserved nickname "Porno Choices". Clearly, just a small sampling of this material reveals that it is not only patently offensive but downright hazardous, medically inaccurate and intentionally suggestive.
State Representative Bob McDermott will be holding his own very important meeting this week concerning his extensive findings about the State Department of Education's latest and greatest attempt to shortchange, misdirect, and sexualize our youth in its phony cause of 'helping the keiki' and 'doing what's pono'.
So please mark your calendar and make plans to be at this informational event this coming Wednesday, February 5th, 2014 @ the State Capitol's basement-level auditorium starting at 6:30 PM
Concerned people are invited to take back this auditorium as we prepare to take back public education from the radical left-wing education bureaucrats and puppet politicians. After weeks of work, Rep. McDermott, along with special guest Phil Lees, will be presenting his findings in full. We need to pack that auditorium and we need your help.
There are a lot of people out there who are still very much unaware of what is happening with regard to sex education in our schools and in particular with Pono Choices. This is an issue that is as bad if not worse than SB1 because it involves children. Efforts are being made to remove or rewrite this material and you should be aware and involved.
Please pass the word and encourage people to attend. We have to show our legislators and the media that we care about what is going on here. Don't assume that there will be plenty of people there and so it doesn't matter if you don't show up. Everyone matters and we need a large number....let's make it HUGE!!!
Please announce this event now via email and social media and this weekend at worship. Let's get as many parents, aunties, uncles and people who care about keiki to this meeting as possible.
Please help us to fight Pono Choices by filling that auditorium next Wednesday night, February 5th at 6:30pm. Let's make it big!!!
Finally, you can never do too much to let the ruling Democrats know that you think they are being out of line with their radical agenda. You can directly contact these Democrats about their "Pono Choices" program (and everything else that's wrong with public schools these days) by phone and by e-mail. Below, we show their faces, their names, and their contact information. Please use your influence by contacting these people whom Abercrombie put in charge of your keiki's education and let them know they are dead wrong on this issue. Don't wait another minute.

Kathryn Matayoshi, D.O.E. Superintendent
Phone: (808) 586-3310
E-mail: kathryn_matayoshi@notes.k12.hi.us
Donalyn Dela Cruz, D.O.E. Director of Communications
Phone: (808) 586-3232
E-mail: donalyn_dela_cruz@notes.k12.hi.us
Donald Horner, Board of Education Chairman
Phone: (808) 586-3334
Email: boe_hawaii@notes.k12.hi.us
Dr. Kelly Roberts, Pono Choices Principal Investigator
Phone: (808) 392-9009
Email: robertsk@hawaii.edu
Mahalo for being involved in this important effort to protect our keiki.
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