BIG Trouble at Hawaii GOP: Respected Local Media Pundits Predict Political Disaster for Local Republican Candidates in 2018

Local political reporters predict that NOTHING WILL CHANGE this election year as they write off the dying, RINO-controlled Hawaii GOP's chances in 2018 of increasing the number of Republicans at the Hawaii State Legislature.
Under RINO party 'leadership' and liberal GOP incumbent 'influence', the party has plummeted from 22 elected Republicans a few years ago to just 5 today (versus 71 Democrats in the legislature).
The big lesson learned every two years is that the RINO-controlled Hawaii GOP refuses to make the case for change. Nor do they organize to win or even put up a fight against failed Democrat policies. Therefore -- no surprise -- nothing changes. Not one bit.
Maybe someday, the revolution will be televised. But IT WON'T BE HAPPENING in 2018 thanks to the RINO's, closet Democrats, fake Republicans and their easily-duped hangers-on who have hijacked the Hawaii GOP and are leading this year's crop of candidates and party donors to a needlessly humiliating slaughter.
Frankly, it's time for bold, conservative party leadership which is committed to replacing failed Democrat policies in state and county government with REAL Republican solutions and reforms. But unless current leaders are tossed aside, new leadership cannot be installed by party members (through convention delegates) in May 2019 . . . long after the 2018 disaster.
So sad to see yet another election year thrown under the bus by RINO party officers.
Hey, this past Saturday was the Reublican National Committee's National Day of Action. Sadly, yet again, HRP opted-out of this monthly nationwide effort for state party volunteers to go canvassing door-to-door to help the Republican cause in 2018. Instead, Hawaii's RINO party leaders decided to waste valuable time attacking HIRA in meeting after meeting behind closed doors so that you won't find out from us how RINO party leaders are frittering away 2018 -- making Democrats and their cronies the ultimate beneficiaries. Yes, the Ostrov Gang is throwing candidates under the bus, throwing donor money down the drain, and throwing away the 2018 election cycle. Stay tuned for an exclusive inside account of BLOCKBUSTER REVELATIONS of major incompetence, inactivity, and worse at 725 Kapiolani Blvd. -- all of which helps Democrats in Hawaii sleep great at night. You will be shocked . . .

Across the country, state parties were out with their army of grassroots supporters talking to their neighbors about how important the 2018 elections are for this nation. Unfortunately, Hawaii GOP leaders were busy doing absolutely nothing with the nonexistent organization they've built to achieve absolutely nothing in the past 12 months since Miriam Hellreich and the Oahu League of RINO Women installed their puppet slate of party officers fronted by Shirlene Ostrov and Mark Blackburn. Such a shame to see another election cycle go to waste and so many candidates thrown under the bus, so much donor money wasted, and so many voters let down by the fast-declining Hawaii GOP with no hope of any Republican inroads in our fast-declining state. Auwe!
