Aloha Conservative:
Please mark your calendar and save the date to join your fellow Republicans and conservatives at HIRA's 2nd Annual Ronald Reagan Freedom and Liberty Dinner on Friday, February 6, 2015 at the Pearl Country Club.
Without question, this is the BIG evening for Hawaii's conservative movement; where Hawaii's growing conservative base will feel right at home. Make plans today to come celebrate President Ronald Reagan’s legacy on his 104th birthday for an evening you'll never forget.
Based on dozens of calls and e-mails from conservatives like you, there's a great deal of anticipation and a lot of guessing about whom HIRA has secured to be this year's big name keynote speaker.
You will NOT be disappointed. Please stay tuned, as HIRA will have an important announcement about this very soon. Rest assured, our VIP keynote will NOT be a RINO, a squishy moderate or a liberal. Only real conservatives headline HIRA events. Period. You deserve no less.
Just over two months from now, we'll gather with special guests for cocktails and dinner, then hear from the leader one of America's most prestigious conservative organizations who is making a special trip to Hawaii to partner with HIRA in advancing some extremely important conservative policies which have long been overlooked by the ruling Democrats and by our own party in the islands. With your help, we can move the pendulum in the right direction.
Affordably priced at just half the cost of similar events, tickets to the Reagan Dinner will be going on sale soon. When they do, don't wait -- HIRA expects another sellout.
We hope to see you on this special evening which celebrates the late, great Ronald Reagan and unites conservatives at this crucial time in Hawaii's history. Mahalo for your kokua!

President - Hawaii Republican Assembly
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P.P.S. For sponsorship information, please contact HIRA Secretary Brett Kulbis at
NOTE: This annual dinner is a benefit for HIRA's political SuperPAC: HIRA Action. 100% of proceeds from all HIRA fundraising is dedicated to communicating our conservative Republican message in 2015 and beyond; promoting conservative Republican solutions and candidates in Hawaii. No overhead, no salaries, no headquarters, no kickbacks. Just political messaging.