Aloha Friends and Neighbors:
As you know, this is a really big week for defenders of traditional marriage here in Hawaii.
While a large majority of Hawaii’s state senators have decided to redefine marriage, same-sex marriage is still not a ‘done deal’ in the state house. Practically speaking, Hawaii’s 51-member House of Representatives is where all efforts by conservatives are focused right now to block Abercrombie’s radical ‘anything goes’ social agenda.
Your testimony and pressure on these legislators is crucial at this final stage, in order to counter the huge amount of pressure being applied on state representatives by the most extreme lobbying effort in Hawaii history: supporters of homosexual ‘marriage’.

An important deadline for your testimony is fast approaching: This coming Wednesday morning at 10am will be your last chance to e-mail or fax testimony in advance of the House’s major public hearing held jointly by two house committees (Judiciary and Finance) to be held the very next morning. These are the committees charged with reviewing the terrible legislation known as SB1 which will redefine the sacred institution of marriage in Hawaii forever. But they won't realize how terrible the bill is unless you tell them.
A short time ago, the office of Democrat State Rep. Karl Rhoads (who chairs the House Judiciary committee) informed the Hawaii Republican Assembly that the hearing will take place at 10am, this coming Thursday. This means the deadline for all testimony about the redefining of marriage will be 24 hours before that hearing begins. That gives you just 36 hours from now to get your feelings known by these two important committees.
You’ll want to e-mail your testimony in opposition to Senate Bill 1 (or SB1) right away to this e-mail address: JUDSStestimony@capitol.hawaii.gov
You can also fax your testimony directly to these committees at 586-6189.
The finalized hearing notice has been posted HERE. Please attend the hearing in person if at all possible in order to testify and/or provide moral support to others helping to stop this horrible bill and the devastation it would bring to Hawaii. Given the potential for persuading members of the state house who are ‘on the fence’ about SB1, you are encouraged to be there in person. This joint committee hearing will be held in the auditorium in the basement level of the State Capitol (same place as today's hearing). You should plan to stay as long as possible (many hours, like tonight's) as this will probably be another very long hearing.
So remember, the deadline for submitting testimony is 36 hours from now: this Wednesday morning at 10am, in advance of the actual hearing this Thursday morning at 10am. Please use this last major opportunity to tell lawmakers how YOU feel about SB1’s redefining of marriage.
You can track the progress of SB1 during the special session by clicking HERE.
And HIRA asks you to please join us in burning up the phone lines of these elected officials in order to ‘melt the phones’ at the State Capitol with passionate, informed opposition to SB1. Call your legislator. Call every legislator. Click HERE for their phone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses.
Hope you can weigh in. And hope to see you there. Let your voice be heard now, since there’s no realistic way to expect that the Democrat supermajority in the State Senate will allow this issue to be put on the ballot to “Let the People Decide”. Without question, this legislation will either be enacted or defeated in the days ahead. It's all or nothing during this special session. It will not be on the ballot. So please kokua by joining HIRA and fellow conservatives in pushing hard to preserve society for future generations.
HIRA has been working hard for months to systematically educate voters about these harmful policies through direct communication about why same-sex marriage is a terrible idea. That's why it is so important that you help keep our campaign going. Tens of thousands are getting HIRA’s important wake-up call about the future of Hawaii should Abercrombie's radical social agenda be approved.
Won’t you please kokua today with a contribution or even an annual membership in HIRA? We need your help to reach as many constituents of state legislators as possible.
Thanks for keeping the faith in the cause of conservatism here in Hawaii. We have many, many important battles ahead on a range of issues. Right now, the special session of our legislature has our complete focus. Mahalo for helping to fight the redefining of marriage.

President - Hawaii Republican Assembly
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