Aloha Hawaii Republicans:
Though it has been two weeks since the district caucuses, HRP has not yet formally announced (or even posted a roster on its website) the district chairs elected to represent the 51 house districts across the islands on the party’s important state committee.
For this reason, a complete picture has not yet emerged of the balance of power between liberals and conservatives on that state committee.
But, HIRA has received some very good news about three moreraces in which conservatives have emerged victorious.
First, congrats to Tom White, newly-elected district chair for Waikiki -- HD 22.
Secondly, hats off to Carol White (no relation), the new district chair for Makiki / Punchbowl -- HD 25.
HD 18 - Update. Congrats to Marian Grey (pictured on right) over in Hawaii Kai. We just heard directly from her opponent that there will be no challenge and that there never was any intention to challenge her victory. Our apologies if there was any confusion.
On the other hand . . .
HD 50 - Update. Duly elected district chair Joan Hood is having her victory challenged by party insiders. After three secret ballot votes, the final tally was 14-13 in favor of Joan Hood as multiple witnesses can authenticate. It comes as no surprise that this matter is being contested and “investigated” by the party after HRP 'leaders' strongly supported Cynthia Thielen against Joan Hood during the 2014 Republican Primary for state house. It’s even less surprising since key party “VIP’s” that live in HD 50 were reportedly ‘beside themselves’ that a conservative beat a liberal of their choosing for the position. Stay tuned for how this plays out.
HIRA will continue to report on party elections as more news comes forward.
Next up for newly elected District Chairs, Rules Committee Representatives and delegates who were elected over the past few weeks. Mark your calendars . . .
Honolulu County Convention 24 March (Moanalua Elementary School?)
Rules Committee Meeting - TBD
State Committee Meeting - 2nd/3rd Saturday of March
State Convention 2 May (@ Kroc Center in Kapolei)
Finally, please get involved, stay engaged, and someday soon conservatives and reat Republicans will be able to get our dysfunctional party back on track and headed in the right direction. Mahalo!
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