The scandalous revelations of corruption and mismanagement at the Obama Veterans Administration have yet again exposed much about the failures of the Democrat-beloved big government bureaucracies.
In a terrible, terrible way, this scandal that has cost lives, increased suffering, wasted money, and lessened human dignity also serves as a wakeup call to warn us about what lies ahead if local and national Democrats get their way with Obamacare. If our bloated government cannot take care of our veteran population, how can they do it for the population of the entire country?
Investigative hearings on Capitol Hill led the VA to admit that “more than 57,000 new patients have waited at least 90 days for their first appointments — representing 90 percent of all new patients — and that about 13 percent of VA schedulers indicated they were told to falsify appointment-request dates to give the impression that wait times were shorter than they really were.”
FOR HAWAII VETS, THE WAIT IS 145 DAYS!! Almost two months longer than the minimum.
That’s the same excruciating wait people experience in Canada, England, and around the world where so-called “single-payer” socialized medicine is practiced.
The VA – which hires the doctors, owns the hospitals, pays the bills, and has complete control over the outcome – inflicts 145 day wait times for medical care on Hawaii vets. That means 145 more days of suffering with their medical condition and living with the depressing uncertainty of whether or not they will get treated; not knowing whether they will live or die. No one deserved this treatment, let alone veterans.
The Hawaii VA states that it needs $300M more dollars to get the care up to par, and in typical big-government-loving fashion, the uber-liberal senator, Brian Schatz, says that there needs to be legislation to increase funding. That’s always their single-minded solution. Democrats love government control, they do not trust the people and despite the repeated failures, they will always ask for more money. The solution is to get government out of the healthcare business.
Only three months ago, in the wake of the failed launch of ObamaCare, Governor Neil Abercrombie repeated his long-expressed preference for socialized medicine.
The stumbling of the Hawaii Health Connector, the online health insurance marketplace, could open the door for the state to consider replacing it with a single-payer system for health insurance, an option Gov. Neil Abercrombie favors. “A single-payer system is one of several options in achieving universal health care coverage, which is the ultimate goal,” Gov. Neil Abercrombie said in a statement to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. The single-payer option was the only one listed by Abercrombie when asked what might take the place of the Connector.
But let’s be honest: Liberals cannot run Obamacare; no one can. It is an infeasible, unrealistic, ridiculous idea. Liberals cannot run any bureaucracy without the problems which justified creating the bureaucracy getting worse and worse while the inefficiency and unaccountability get further out of control. But they know exactly what they want and they know how to sell it and how to manipulate every frightened soul into believing they are better off suffering in line than having private insurance.
More government is not the answer. Remember, government cannot give you something without first taking something from someone else.
We are the people standing between freedom and total government control – even right here in Hawaii. You know what socialized medicine would mean for you, your family and your neighbors. Fighting the liberal agenda by electing conservative Republicans and stopping Democrats from continuing to dominate our political system in the islands is the highest priority of the Hawaii Republican Assembly. So please join HIRA today and enlist in the war against tyranny.