You don’t need to be Nobel-winning economist to do the math and figure out that you’ve been lied to by every Democrat in Hawaii who vouched for “local boy” Barack Obama and his massive fraud known as the “Affordable Care Act”.
Affordable? Yeah, right. Care? Hardly. Obama repeatedly promised the people of Hawaii and the American people that the average family would see SAVINGS of $2,500 per year on their healthcare coverage.

Obama said that his signature Obamacare law would get the credit for these savings if his comprehensive legislation became the law of the land.

Guess what? The shock headline on the front page of this Tuesday’s Star-Advertiser reveals that HMSA wants a 12.8% INCREASE in its already exorbitant rates for 77,000 employees of small businesses. Moreover, and as predicted, HMSA takes direct aim at Obamacare as the very reason for the hike: “The Affordable Care Act is responsible for most of the increase that small businesses will face.” You don’t need a calculator or a supercomputer to know that we’ve been scammed.
So, Barack Hussein Obama is a liar, and you were fleeced by this smooth-talker. Lying is the only way to sell “Big Centralized Government”, because history has shown that it never works. Sure, a small subset of people benefit from the disingenuous largesse of the government for a little while, but it is not sustainable and eventually collapses under its own weight. This was all a farce just to get government to control healthcare in our nation. But exactly WHO in Hawaii is propping him up politically? Every single Democrat elected to office today, from Abercrombie to Hanabusa to Gabbard to Hirono to Schatz, right on down to Obama’s Democrat sychophants in the State House, State Senate, county councils and even our neighborhood boards.

Hawaii’s entire Democrat delegation, present and past (remember Dan Inouye and Dan Akaka?) vouched for Obama and supported the fraudulent creation of the ACA monstrosity which caused millions to lose their coverage, caused millions to have to pay MORE for coverage, caused employers to cut jobs and shift to part-time schedules for workers, and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to take a bite out of the tens of millions of uninsured Americans. . . the latter being THE ENTIRE JUSTIFICATION for passing Obamacare.
So how are Democrats able to continue their 60 year reign of power in Hawaii? Why don’t Hawaii voters know any better? Well, the Hawaii Republican Party is organized to fail by choosing to remain silent and neutral, year after year, decade after decade. For anyone who cares about political reform in Hawaii, the deliberate sidelining of our party is reprehensible.
The only way to hold bad leaders accountable is for good people like YOU to get involved. Join HIRA today so that our party will be led by those who have the will, principles, courage, andcompetence to educate and persuade voters and then organize a political revolution in the islands (like island Democrats did in 1954, 60 years ago). The party of Pat Saiki and Linda Lingle won’t deliver the changes you want. But conservative leadership will ensure that our party takes the fight to the liberals 24/7/365 days a year.
Hawaii’s Democrats, like the current president, lie and steal as a matter of routine. Tuesday's top story gives everyone across the islands all the proof they need that Hawaii’s Democrats (including Obama) used a bait and switch to play us like suckers. In November, we have a chance to return the favor. Help the Hawaii Republican Assembly to fill the void of leadership from HRP so that those responsible for foisting Obamacare on the people of Hawaii are held accountable and sent packing.
HIRA needs your help to keep fighting the ruling Democrats who control Hawaii. Educating the public is key . . . and costly. Please support “HIRA Action” with your generous contribution today. With your help, we can give every family in Hawaii a $3,000 per year raise by putting an end to the Royal Scam. As the voice of Hawaii's conservatives, the Hawaii Republican Assembly is your best bet to take back our party, our state and our country.

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