Candidate ineligible to run for state House seat vacated by Andria Tupola - 8/3/18

State House contender born in American Samoa told she's ineligible to run - 8/1/18

RINO Politician Andria Tupola seeks restraining order against HIRA President - 4/22/18

What's Next For Charles Djou — And The Hawaii GOP? - 3/20/18

Willes Lee Re-elected President of National Federation of Republican Assemblies - 10/23/17

Hawaii Opposition to Concealed Carry not Just Over Reciprocity - 10/27/17

Internal Strife in Hawai'i GOP - 7/31/17

Festival of Resistance for Trump-Pence: Both Sides of the Story - 7/20/17

Hawai'i GOP Divided But Eyes 2018 - 7/3/17

Beth Fukumoto Defects from GOP to Democrats
- 3/22/17

HIRA Op-Ed: "Only real Republicans, not RINOS, can turn Hawaii around" - 2/23/17

Beth Fukumoto has no business being our Republican leader
- 2/1/17

HIRA's National Director Willes K. Lee Sworn in on NRA Board of Directors - 1/30/17

Election further shrivels Hawaii GOP - 11/10/16

Neal Milner: Silence Of The Elephants Deadens Hawaii Politics - 10/27/16

BORRECA: Infighting in party trenches a sign of change to come - 8/1/16

GHOSTWRITTEN BY HELLREICH?: Liberal Civil Beat and Some Retiree from 4th Place KITV News team up yet again to attack HIRA - 6/21/16

HOW VERY COZY: Liberal Civil Beat and KITV team up with liberal party leaders at the RINO-controlled Hawaii GOP to attack conservatives and HIRA - 6/14/16

The more conservative and outspoken Hawaii Republican Assembly fights with party regulars who have forgotten how to elect people to office - 5/22/16

The Hawaii Republican Assembly is accusing the party leadership of both incompetence and wrongdoing - 5/22/16

HIRA Report: McDermott Says Fukumoto will Quit the Republican Party - 3/20/16

HIRA Shames Elected Republicans in Hawaii to Publicly Endorse a Presidential Candidate - 2/25/16

HIRA Calls on Hawaii GOP to be More Conservative
- 1/17/16

Hawaii Republicans could play bigger role in shaping GOP presidential race - 1/18/16

HIRA Officers Leading Ted Cruz Campaign in Hawaii - 1/15/16

Hawaii's Own Republican Insurrection - 12/11/15

GOP Officials Discuss Lawsuit against Hawaii Republican Assembly - 11/12/15

Hawaii GOP Threatens to Sue HIRA for Exposing Corrupt, Liberal Party Leadership - 11/9/15

HIRA VIDEO Analysis: Past politics provide insight into today's homeless crisis - 11/8/15

Hawaii GOP Hires Democrat Union Lawyer to Threaten Conservative Group - 11/4/15

Hawaii's Willes K. Lee Nominated to Run for NRA 2017 Board of Directors - 10/26/15

Caldwell Protests Governor’s “Misuse of Emergency Powers” on Homelessness - 10/21/15

Local GOP Removes District Chair 'for Cause' - 9/15/15

GOP Boots HIRA Leader - 9/15/15

Right Wing Ruckus - 8/31/15

Profiting from Homelessness: Publicist, Lobbyist Take Control - 8/17/15

Splinter: Hawaii Conservatives Call for Party Leaders to Resign - 11/17/14

NRA president pledges return of values at HIRA event - 11/10/14

NRA President Jim Porter Speaks to Local Republicans
- 11/8/14

NRA head attending Hawaii Republican celebration
- 11/6/14

NRA President to headline two events in Hawaii this weekend - 11/6/14

NRA President to speak at Hawaii event - 11/4/14

HIRA Action: One of the Top SuperPAC's in Hawaii - 10/31/14

Please Join the Hawaii Republican Assembly for an Evening with NRA President, Jim Porter! - 10/17/14

Fear Factor: the conservative Hawaii Republican Assembly sees a different picture - 9/13/14

The Hawaii Republican Assembly releases annual scorecard of Hawaii's 76 legislators - 9/2/14

Super: HIRA Action, the political action committee for the conservative Hawaii Republican Assembly - 7/30/14

HIRA's Willes Lee Appointed to NRA Committee - HIRA to Host NRA President in Hawaii in Fall 2014 - 6/26/14

Veterans Affairs Audit Exposes Hawaii's 'Infuriating' Wait List - 6/13/14

As Details Emerge, Hawaii Veterans Voice Outrage at VA's Waiting Lists - 6/11/14

The Latest Politician To Switch Sides - 6/4/13

Ballots to Bullets: The Valley Freedom Fair Preach Corporate Tax Relief and Armed Protest - 6/4/14

Pitching Change
- 6/1/14

Controversial candidates fill ballot for Hawaii House seat - 5/29/14

Former Hawaii senator with troubled past wants another chance - 5/28/14

`About as bad as anything I've read' - 5/20/14

Resolved - 5/17/14

State's secrecy surrounding controversial sex ed program is only getting worse - 4/6/14

Saiki Confirms HIRA Criticisms That She Has Previously Failed to Lead GOP Even Close to Majority Status - 3/21/14

HIRA Questions Saiki's Qualifications for HRP Leadership
- 3/20/14

Saiki Makes BIG 2014 Promise in Exchange for HRP Chairmanship: To Put 17 Republicans in State House Plust 9 Republican In State Senate - 3/20/14

Pat Saiki to Hawaii GOP: Candidates before ideology - 3/16/14

Former Congresswoman Pat Saiki to Head Hawaii Republican - 3/13/14

Chang out as head of state Republicans; Saiki may get post - 3/13/14

Hawaii's Matson Choice: Let the Fleecing Continue or Bring on the Competition - 2/26/14

Hawaii's Matson Choice: Let the Fleecing Continue or Bring on the Competition - 2/26/14

Hawaii consumer costs – Matson and the Jones Act - 2/26/14

HIRA's Lee and ACU's Cardenas Visit Tea Party Maui - 2/7/14

HIRA's Reagan Dinner Attracts Sellout Crowd - 2/7/14

Al Cardenes, Chair of American Conservative Union, Keynotes Hawaii's Ronald Reagan Freedom Dinner - 2/3/14

Lobbying filings offer look at cost of gay-marriage fight - 2/1/14

Reagan v. Lincoln - 1/29/14

Next Week's Ronald Reagan Dinner keynote announced - 1/28/14

HIRA: McDermott to Speak in Kailua at HIRA's 2014 Road Show - 1/11/14

HIRA: EXPOSED — The Why and What of Pono Choices - 1/10/14

Transvestite Asserts Absolute Right to Promote Himself to 6th Graders - 1/10/14

Republican leader criticized for comments on Hawaiian leader - 1/9/14

HIRA: 2014 Will be a Banner Year - 1/8/14

Hawaii's Same Sex Marriage Law and The State Legislature: A Report to Kauai's Pastors – by Alfred Sarmento - 01/01/14

Michael Medved to Talk Up Republican Unity at HIRA Dinner - 12/31/13

Wishing You A Filthy New Year? - 12/31/13

FULL TEXT: Secret Pono Choices Curriculum Exposed - 12/23/13

Exposed: Hawaii Department of Education's Sex Education Program - 12/23/13

Hawai'i Republican Assembly has some great presents for that political junkie in your family - 12/20/13

There's Nothing Pono About Pono Choices - 12/20/13

There's Nothing Pono About Pono Choices - 12/20/13

Hawaii Republican Assembly's Inaugural Ronald Reagan Freedom and Liberty Dinner - 12/6/13

TICKETS ON SALE NOW: Hawaii's Ronald Reagan Freedom and Liberty Dinner - 12/6/13

MassResistance: Huge 'gay marriage' battle in Hawaii starts Monday! - 10/24/13

Abercrombie Misleads Public About Effects of Homosexual Marriage - 10/21/13

Same-sex marriage critics working to rally opposition - 10/7/13

Defending Marriage: HIRA Action Super PAC Launches Statewide Radio Ads - 10/7/13

House support for same-sex marriage in flux; HIRA Starts Radio Advertising Campaign - 10/6/13

HIRA's National Director Willes Lee Elected Pacific Region Vice President of NFRA - 9/20/13

HIRA: Illinois Defeated Gay Marriage, We Can Too - 9/16/13

HIRA, not HRP, is ONLY Hawaii Republican Organization Fighting SSM - 9/9/13

Political Radar: Apocalyptic - 9/7/13

HIRA: Hawaii is #1 Welfare State in the Nation - 9/6/13

HIRA Faces Opposition, Condemned as Party's "Thought Police" - 9/4/13

HIRA: Gay 'Marriage' Religious Exemption is a Scam - 9/3/13

News Behind the News - Tito Montes President of Hawaiian Republican Assembly - 8/30/13

Political Radar: Taxing - 8/29/13

HIRA: Latest News Gives Real Hope in Fighting Same-Sex 'Marriage' - 8/29/13

Political Radar: 'Carefully-orchestrated' - 8/27/13

HIRA: Outcome of Hawaii's Same Sex Marriage Debate Will Impact Hawaii for Generations to Come - 8/27/13

Shapiro: Hawaii Conservatives Are "Thought Police" Unless They Do What Democrats Want Them to Do - 8/14/13

"HIRA: Reject Call for Same-Sex Marriage Special Session" - 8/6/13

"Join the Hawaii Republican Assembly! Finally! There's Hope!" - 7/31/13

"Rusty a Hit!" - 7/24/13

"Talk Radio Star Rusty Humphries Headlines HIRA Event" - 7/21/13

"National Talk Radio Star Rusty Humphries Headlines Sold Out Hawaii Luncheon" - 7/21/13

"Rusty Humphries Speaks at HIRA Luncheon" - 7/21/13

"Rusty Humphries: Live in Honolulu" - 7/17/13

"Rusty Humphries Headlines HIRA Fundraiser" - 7/13/13

"Rusty Humphries: Live in Honolulu" - 7/11/13

"HIRA's Taking the Lead to Protect Children" - 7/9/13

"Marriage Evidence Disproves Empty Rhetoric of the Left" - 7/9/13

"Radio Host Rusty Humphries to Speak at
Hawaii Republican Assembly Luncheon" - 7/1/13

"HIRA's Warning to Conservatives" - 6/28/13

"Slom Proves He's Bipartisan" - 6/26/13

"Rusty Coming!" - 6/19/13

"SBH News & Views: Conservative Republicans Organize" - 5/29/13

"The Hawaii Republican Assembly" - 5/29/13

"Hawaii Republican Assembly Launches with New Board of Directors" - 5/28/13

HIRA: "You're probably talking to a Democrat" - 5/22/13

HIRA: "Who do you believe in the Republican Party?" - 5/20/13

"Isle Republicans must build unity, top members say" - 5/19/13

"Hawaii GOP: 'Republicans Will Rise Again'" - 5/18/13

HIRA: "Official Statement Concerning the Hawaii Republican Convention" - 5/18/13

"The Hawaii Republican Party's Alarming Negative Trend"- 5/9/13

"Where is the Courage in the Republican Party?" - 4/18/13

HIRA: "Cradle to Grave: State Preschools and Legalized Marijuana" - 4/02/13

Hawaii Republican Assembly: "You Can Stop Bad Ideas" - 3/28/13

"Taxes, Marriage, PLDC Top Agenda for Hawaii Republican Assembly" - 3/25/13

"Republicans Told Not to Support Pro-Abortion Judicial Nominee" - 5/24/12

"Leaders Question Senator Kyl's Support For Pro-Abortion 9th Circuit Judicial Nominee" - 5/24/12

"LLIFE of the Hawaii GOP Party or Is It?" - 5/20/10

Leader vows GOP 'hurricane' - 5/21/09

Jonah Kaauwai elected to lead Hawaii Republicans - 5/17/09

Divided state GOP readies for convention - 5/15/09

Tax Me Not - 4/16/09

"2009 Tax Day Tea Party: Citizens commit to Oppose and Vote Against Tax Increases" - April 2009

Republicans unite! - 4/1/09

New Hawaii Republican Group Formed - 3/28/09