Aloha. The Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA) is standing up to phony Republicans who have hijacked our party in order to help the Democrats achieve their political and policy goals at the county, state and federal levels of government. These RINOs are just Democrats in disguise.
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Aloha Republicans:

As you know, the 2018 election campaign is right around the corner.  Astute political observers know the campaign already began last November.  However, today HIRA can exclusively report the terrible news that RINO party leaders have already made decisions which will throw the 2018 election in favor of Democrats while throwing GOP candidates to the wolves.

Shocking orders came directly from the top two officials at the Hawaii GOP to whom puppet state chair Shirlene Ostrov is clearly subservient.  From HIRA’s vantage point, the RINO tag team of Miriam Hellreich and Pat Saiki have already made it clear to the rest of the Hawaii GOP leadership that things will stay exactly the same as in past years -- all but guaranteeing the party’s losing streak.

Here’s the mountain of quickly mounting evidence that 2018 will be a bust . . .

First, the Hawaii GOP’s national committeeman Gene Ward (who votes 75% of the time with Democrats) recently issued an urgent plea to other party bosses to start dedicating funds in the party’s budget for supporting candidates.  After all, under Miriam Hellreich’s extremely miserable RINO leadership, the number of elected Republicans has plummeted from 22 down to just 5 in a few short years.

It's not gonna happen. Hellreich’s remarkably harsh rebuttal to Rep. Ward the other day (leaked to HIRA by a state capitol staffer) was nothing less than totally dismissive of the non-existent stable of candidates who will possibly emerge to comprise the 2018 crop of sacrificial GOP contenders on ballots across the state. And when Hellreich says "no" and vetoes helping candidates, she really, really means it.

Party leaders will NOT share Hellreich's decision with you -- most of all since they are in the midst of selling tickets to a big fundraiser for the party's costly administrative overhead and they surely want you to believe the money will help candidates.  But HIRA has already revealed to you in recent weeks and months that the Hawaii GOP’s recently approved budget has ZERO FUNDS for candidates or anything else except wasteful administrative overhead.

RINO Miriam Hellreich, Hawaii's party leader since 1992, made it extremely clear that there will be NO MONEY FOR CANDIDATES in 2018 or any other year that Hellreich is still running the party -- and that the Hawaii GOP's income will be blown on the 'obligations' of administrative overhead:  “It is not the Party's role to give cash directly to a campaign.  I am totally opposed to earmarking money from any Party fundraising event for a candidate fund.  Existing debts and monthly obligations have to take precedence."

Courtesy of our friends at the State Capitol, HIRA brings you the complete e-mail HERE which explicitly declares that candidates won’t get any money from the party in 2018 and all monies from donors and ticketbuyers will be blown on the headquarters and other administrative overhead.

Now, the second bit of horrible news is that the Republican National Committee (RNC) just wasted a small fortune sending trainers to Hawaii in recent days in hopes of reversing the sorry fortunes of the Hawaii GOP which has been on a biennial losing streak for a LONG time at the hands of RINO party leaders.  During this past weekend’s costly training and presentation on ‘How To Start Winning’ by mainland RNC trainers, Pat Saiki -- the longtime party empress and current vice chair for coordinated campaigns -- vetoed the RNC’s proposed plans for Hawaii . . . and issued her veto to the RNC’s trainers right in front of the paltry handful of party volunteers who bothered to show up at the poorly attended training at the Kapiolani party headquarters . . .

“Party-building’ won’t work in Hawaii.  We simply need to focus on finding suitable candidates," Saiki openly declared during the wasted training sessions. That’s right, Saiki decided on the spot that RNC's plan for Hawaii was unacceptable and would "never work" in Hawaii.

Never mind that the RNC has been winning all over the country and knows what it takes to fix a failed state party organization.  Saiki wants HRP to continue it's losing tradition of merely being 'candidate centric' -- the failed practice of recruiting unknown, underfunded individuals and throwing them to the wolves in 2018 because it has worked so poorly for the Hawaii GOP since Hellreich took over the party nearly two decades ago.  That’s what happens when RINO’s take over a party and ostensibly let Democrats win again and again.

The well-meaning RNC actually wanted Hawaii to reverse its long losing streak by building a serious party organization that engages with voters and identifies the Republicans among them as a foundation.  But it appears that all advice from the RNC about party building will be ignored because Pat “this won’t work in Hawaii” Saiki and Miriam Hellreich even argued “we don’t have time for doing all this”.  Their collective RINO animosity towards party organizing, canvassing and messaging combined with Saiki’s demand that the party’s focus be ‘candidate-centric’ ensures the demise of the Hawaii GOP in 2018 and possibly beyond. In fact, an entire year has been wasted since the last general election nearly 12 months ago with Hellreich's state party having engaged in ZERO activity prescribed by the RNC. The next 12 months are going to be even more of a bust with puppet party chair Shirlene Ostrov doing what she is told to do by Saiki and Hellreich -- absolutely nothing at all except divert funds from gulllible donors and ticketbuyers to the Oahu League's overpriced office space and related expenses.

Indeed, it’s really a shame that the RNC wasted so much national donor money travelling to Hawaii and organizing trainings at great expense to party donors when Saiki and Hellreich don’t want the winning plans from the RNC to be implemented at all. Really sad.

Finally, the third bit of bad news is that this whole affair of RINO party leaders deliberately keeping the Hawaii GOP irrelevant was a complete rehash of Saiki’s recent failed tenure as state chair of the Hawaii GOP; when Saiki proudly declared to the news media that she does NOT want our party to take any positions on any issues at all, let alone fight against any terrible Democrat policies or propose any official Republican reforms or solutions.  Saiki wants our party to be completely NEUTRAL; to stand for nothing and to be against nothing. She says we must remain quiet on how 60+ years of terrible Democrat policies have been for the people of Hawaii.  As Saiki put it:  “The Republican Party does not have to take one side or the other.” . . . WHAT?!!?  Then how in the world are we supposed to differentiate ourselves as a party, candidates, or otherwise?


Anyway folks, the situation is so bad that Hawaii’s liberal GOP leaders probably don’t want HIRA telling you any of this; especially while these RINO’s mislead you into believing that your donations and ticket purchases will help candidates in 2018.  Sorry folks, candidates won’t see a penny of it.

To sum up, Hellreich and Saiki currently run the party (but they let you think their puppet Ostrov does).  Hellreich says the party will NOT help candidates financially at all -- not one penny.  Saiki declares that the party will NOT be allowed to take sides on issues and she opposes adopting winning party-building strategies from the RNC.

So, no money and no issues.  Instead, all funds received from donors and ticket sales will be spent on the Oahu League of RINO Women-owned headquarters, the maintenance fee alone costs $3,000 in perpetuity - double the mortgage, plus the utilities and debt and other administrative overhead expenses.

Gosh, if you're tired of the Hawaii GOP losing and losing and nothing good happening (just smoke and mirrors and endless fundraising for overhead), HIRA has just explained exactly why this is.  As the ancient phrase warns us, 'a fish rots from the head down'.  And fishy RINO's Miriam Hellreich and Pat Saiki have shut down all hopes for island Republicans in the 13 months before the 2018 general election.  However, your funds will continue to provide the RINO-controlled Oahu League of Republican Women with a nice office space so these RINO's can use their numbers to retain Hellreich and Saiki and Ostrov in power at the Hawaii GOP.

All of this means that not one penny from the upcoming Huckabee fundraising event will be used for helping to finance candidates in 2018 or even be used to fight issues or making the case for Republicans.  So, kiss your $200 per ticket goodbye along with any other donations you’ve made.


These no-longer-secret announcements by Hawaii’s RINO party leaders serve as yet another reminder about O’Sullivan’s Law.  John O'Sullivan is a British conservative political commentator and journalist who used to work for Margaret Thatcher.  O'Sullivan's First Law is that "All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing."  Nothing could be more true that the left-leaning, Republican In Name Only Hawaii GOP which has become the poster child for O’Sullivan’s Law.  Hawaii Democrats are forever grateful for being allowed to win again and again.  But Hawaii Republican voters and party members and donors are being taken for a ride if they think the party of Hellreich and Saiki are actually leading the fight for change. [HINT: they're not]

On the other hand, the Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA) fights Democrats everyday -- reaching a growing audience of 80,000+ per week in Hawaii on social media.  But HIRA's work of draining the swamp occasionally includes exposing the RINO’s who are driving our party into the ground and letting Democrats off the hook, while setting our brave candidates up to fail.

So, if you really want to unseat Democrats, you’ll have to donate to conservative candidates directly.  Not fake Republicans, mind you, but real conservatives.

As HIRA has repeatedly warned, liberals. closet Democrats, and actual Democrats have hijacked Hawaii's Republican Party (HRP).  It's a sad, yet highly documented fact.  And these make-believe Republican leaders are doing everything to retain power, including abusing party funds and party resources.  Yes, the party has been taken over by liberals who take your support for granted, abuse your donations, and misuse the GOP brand to push Democrat policies. Sadly, if you want a REAL Republican Party in Hawaii, you'll have to wait until the party is finally run by conservatives who actually disagree with 60 years of failed Democrat rule in Hawaii and are willing to fight to unseat these liberals 24/7/365. No, the revolution in Hawaii will not be led by RINO's. They are just wasting our time and money. And these RINO's even oppose the RNC's custom, award-winning recipe for fixing what's wrong with our state party. Auwe!!


Member, Hawaii Republican Party (HRP)
President, Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA)
Chairman, HIRA Action SuperPAC

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The Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA) is the conservative standard-bearer
for Republicans in Hawaii and the leading advocate
for conservative solutions in the islands.
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We are not an official arm of the Republican Party of Hawaii (RPH).
We are the conservative base of the Republican Party
and an affiliated chapter of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies.

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Hawaii Republican Assembly | P.O. Box 2567 | Ewa Beach, HI 96706